Do my eyes deceive me? Surely Brazil must have at least one Nobel prize, no?
Do my eyes deceive me? Surely Brazil must have at least one Nobel prize, no?
Other urls found in this thread:
5 world cups
0 nobel prize
A world cup is superior to a no*el prize
Monkee kick ball
>censoring via a consonant
why cant my mena bros into Nobel it is 6 now btw op
One represents the pinnacle of human achivement in every notable field of science and provides and incentive for our greatest minds to fruther advance the human race while the other is a bunch of apes trying to put a ball through a hoop.
It's a white thing. You wouldn't understand.
How are br*ts so Smart?
we have a fields medal
Hey incel... yes i mean you swede cuck... shut the hell up and back to your cuck shed you go...