
The Great Debate

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hampshire is the best county

javid is based

if all pakis were like him there'd be no problem

The Fetid, Right-Wing Origins of “Learn to Code”
How an online swarm has developed a sophisticated mechanism to harass and gaslight journalists—and to get mainstream media outlets to join in.

Would quite like Sajid if he weren’t so rabidly pro-Israel

he was one of the first to whine about grenfell btw

And then along they all come, all the 60 million upright Brits, and each one has his decent paki. They say: all the others are swine, but here is a first-class paki.

ah yes /brit/'s resident stupid fucking nigger coming in with an atrocious thread


rorkes fell hook line and sinker for his revoking of whats her name's citizenship, hes sure to become PM and party leader now


aren't any of you genuinely worried about brexit at this point?

if (or rather when) the economy shrinks, wages (or bennies, if you're a neet) will compress. Britain will LITERALLY become like Poland, a shithole.

straight into the bin

>ah yes /brit/'s resident stupid fucking nigger coming in with an atrocious thread

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lmao look at these two """brits""", absolute STATE of your cucked shithole

listening to greta van fleet right now for the first time. what's the fucking point?

jeff is a better poster than you though

By virtue of jus sanguinis she's had Banglasdehi citizenship since birth.

Maybe, or maybe he knows that the appeal process will take years and by the time its resolved the public will have forgotten about her.

hard times create strong men

Nothing will happen, the recession was meant to be the end of everything as well.

Not a fan of this post.

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t. orc

would never dare to cross jefferey

dont care

>aren't any of you genuinely worried about brexit at this point?
no lol
I have a job and it's not going to go away

whoever made this pic always made me laugh

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ah yes, the world-renowned strong and noble gentlemen of nigeria

no. we basically left the EU in 90s and nothing bad happened.

Tinder is a single mother, benefit scrounging post apocalyptic wasteland. Don’t even bother.

t. Serial Tinder shagged who has now settled down with a 9/10 qt he met away from Tinder

TBQH most of the people who post here (not all, most) are still living with their parents. "Personal Economics" are still a spectator sport to them.

what are they reacting to

concerning hobbits

lol more like t.sauroman

Shut your fucking mouth.

not saying much is it? stupid nigger needs to stop posting nigger music and reddit screenshots

is turt a hobbit?

that must be why the children of the 40s-50s that grew up in the economic shithole of post-war britain, still living off rations for a decade, would later go on to start the gradual pussification of the west in the '60s

blog on

>sauron man

ugh dude you've got to move at the instant you hit 18 dude like oh my god dude you need to live on your own and support yourself entirely
ugh dude what do you mean the economy's bad at the moment? nah dude, just be a man and support yourself and start a business dude that's like totally a good idea dude

It's funny because in the book it IS Saruman who does the most damage to the Shire.

if you love something, let it go

Eating a rat because of brexit


Hard times create misery.

> Part or British Archipelago
> Vast majority speak English
> Same culture

Why South Ireland is not part of UK?

this image fuckd me up when i first saw it
now i just laugh

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no, i don't think i will and there is nothing you can do about it. har har.

yeh that's why I wrote that lol


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Lol loser

shut the fuck up
just be quiet

My neighbours across from us have lived there for 3 years and they didn't know I existed because I never leave my house

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fucking hell lads I was joking

the people worst affected will be those who voted remain like business owners


Was before will be again they're just having their independence phase getting it out of their system before they come back like tha amish teenagers

the missus

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literally me before my first coffee of the morning!

got itv2 on lads waiting for the brit awards #ariana


they blame the british because they didn't know how to fish

i'm a proper geezer
peng ting looking like the mona lisa

don't know I didn't even vote because I had fuck all idea what any of it was about

> Both are islands
> Both speak English
> Both have many brown people

What's the difference between Jamaica and Britain?

>the only people who suffer in recessions are business owners

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>doens't know what something is about
>doesn't vote
unironically big brain

One has depressing weather.

hello nigger

Need Emma Watson to stink the room up with her gas whilst I take it all in.

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Nothing, both are owned by the crown as well.


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They have better accents to be quite honest

the smartest people in the world are those dumb people who know that they're dumb

was part of the empire so it's really just an old extension of britain that's been heavily influenced by us

Dad just made a minging vegan carbonara

alri socrates

if youre a fruit vegetable or other perishable good business its gonna be rotting in the ports in the event of no deal because it cant be exported/imported

would do but my yt page has videos of meself

> 7% of babies born in the United Kingdom in 2018 are White British

My heart is beating so heavy and fast and I can't breathe properly
Hope this is me dying lol

any rastafari man in

russia has tens of millions of chocolate coloured people like him, it's just in your country they're considered natives

hope the US absorbs the UK

>waaah muh seasonal affective disorder makes me cranky

grow a pair you utter runt


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god i wish this was me

blog on

>vegan carbonara

Hope for the establishment of a Celtic Empire


how i feel

Currently watching Air Warriors on the Smithsonian Channel Freeview 099. It's about the Spitfires during the Battle of Britain.

And New Hampshire the best state.

they certainly seem keen to offer "help" with the management of the NHS.

british fruit and veggies are shit anyway

australian produce is far superior

"Does this swimsuit look good on me user? Does it make you want to have sex with me?"

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[citation needed]

those big-eye lenses look terrible close up