NEET here, never worked before.
What is working 40 hrs a week even like?
NEET here, never worked before.
What is working 40 hrs a week even like?
Depends on the job, generally it sucks. But if you have a good one you can be financially independently and that’s a good feeling. Then you don’t have to do whatever mommy says anymore
I had a weird job 3 years ago with a 'go' then 'break' schedule. I've been steady wage cucking a regular 40-50 hour week these past 2 years and I've aged dramatically.
other than that it's fine. totally fine
You give up a lot of time so you can collect biweekly paychecks to survive. If you have a shitty commute and do overtime, then say goodbye to all of your free time on weekdays.
Neet here. In high school I worked 60+ hour weeks when a bunch of coworkers all quit before they could hire more staff. Wasnt fun but happy to report since then Ive never had another job. I cant imagine anyone willingly doing that for longer than a couple weeks.
Soul crushing if you don't 100% love your job.
Hard at first, but eventually you become numb to everything and lose your spark for life.
how does one discover the passion before even doing it
I'm 28 and the prospect of doing this for THE REST OF MY LIFE, the next 40 fucking years (longer than I've been alive), is absolute insanity. Totally fucking insane. This is slavery by every definition.
slavery turned into sharecropping
basically what a salarium is
I actually loved my work and went there in a good mood and with the target to get everything done, every day.
Now seven years later, i hate it, i do really hate it. God do i hate it....
I've done both and both have their pros and cons. Working is tiring and gets old doing the same thing but being a NEET is depressing and unfulfilling after a while. You just can't win.
so basically life sucks unless you inherit or are born into wealth?
Pretty much. Rich people are killing themselves now too though.
I'm still looking for that holy grail inbetween quality of life and engagement in working a full time job.
No luck so far.
Unless you have a large inheritance, being NEET is worst.
A NEET having no money is a myth. Crypto NEETs are like a modern day bourgeoisie
why would rich people suicide
that makes no sense :[
there is no technological reason that any of us should be working more than 15-20 hours a week tops
the entire economy is a meme to produce useless shit like pic related
Depends on your job user. When I worked 40 hrs a week I actually enjoyed coming into work because I worked on some interesting projects in the defense field.
But most of my friends hate their jobs and come home exhausted.
>why would rich people suicide
>that makes no sense :[
I dunno. I'm not rich
I remember Friday nights being depressed because I knew how fast Monday rolled around. It was so awful, how does the world do this? I quit my job and started a business and now I actually enjoy working but still have to take it easy or I'll burn out.
It's a fairly ingenious redistribution of wealth when on the one side production capacities for useful and useless shit increase dramatically every 20 or so years, but wages never get adjusted and eaten by inflation, you usually don't have a stake in markets or goods that appropriate in value and buying a house is sort of like making a gamble with leveraged capital on the value of your house, which in many cases really just leaves you in debt for a long time for little to no return.
Economists saying that inflation is good are just delusional or lying. Romans printed money out of the ass and it fucked them over in the end.
If you look at the big picture and you want a stable money supply in the short or medium term introducing some inflation is unavoidable, since recurring downturns and recessions lead to an immense destruction of wealth and in consequence to a heavy deflationary environment.
In response to that you introduce inflation through quantitative easing, but the fucked up part is that more often than not the people who caused these economic bubbles at the same time are the ones that either face no consequences or even profit from the crisis through measures like negative interest rates, so even if an insane amount of wealth is destroyed your central bank is essentially giving you leveraged money that causes an insane amount of inflation for everyone to make sure the banks are healthy and keep lending and investing back their capital, which basically let's them buy the dip each time before they look towards the next cycle and everything starts over again.
Economy and trading came as a means to not suffer and die of disease, and to have clothing and homes.
Now the economy is based on how much useless shit can be created. We are slaves to useless shit, like the creation of dog toys. There is some poor bastard that is going to spend his entire life away from his family and dreams so he can design and produce dog toys.
because actually earning a lot of money has a great toll on you and as Bill Gates says its the same sandwich so you slowly realize that you fell for a scam.
> Then you don’t have to do whatever mommy says anymore
t. Slave mentality
Performing slave task to justify your existence
Wow, you dont have to obey mommy
Now you HAVE TO (kek) do what shekelstein says
Then you have to do what your wife says
Then you have to do whatever your parents say if you want an inheritance
Enjoy being a fucking doormat for life
I work 60 and it's unironcially comfy
That's why you should retire early and if you run out of funds you retire with a .45. I'm also 28 and at most I would work until 40 and have expenses until 60, which should be the age I'll kill myself.
It's more than time for you to change jobs!
I was a lawyer with a high paying job for a year.
I hated it so much it drew me to near insanity, making my relationships with other workers toxic. Eventually they fired me for not making enough money because nobody wanted to give me work.
Now I'm unemployed. I have to say I'm happier now, without the massive stress of the job and the threat of having to do all of that pointless shit until the legal industry is annihilated by technology. (Being a lawyer essentially entails Googling things).
But I still have the creeping knowledge that my unemployment benefits will dry up eventually. And then I will have to be a slave again. I hate life.
Its not just passion but work conditions. Being able to work autonomously or having responsibility can make it alot better. Working under someone who cares if you sign into work 1 minute late or expects 100 percent uptime from you with overtime is hell.