What would you do if you had 200k bitcoins?

What would you do if you had 200k bitcoins?

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I don't know, sell them?


i would build a Fleet of roman galleys and hire crews. And with this fleet i would ram and sink Refugeeboats in the Mediterranean

Attached: roman-trireme.jpg (1348x898, 208K)

How do her underwear even stay on?

no waist curve da fuk

Give everyone on Jow Forums 10 bitcoin.

Buy a new house at the beach.
Secure my own food, water and energy supply.
Start my own secure hosting provider, with its own search engine, email service and hosting provider.
Start a real estate empire.
Buy Command and Conquer from EA. And release a proper one. With many subfactions. And the innovation being that it's all on a larger scale.
Give this guy all the funds he needs.

In fact, everyone with a good business plan can approach a middle man of mine for funding in exchange for a share.

Pay for a stupid ass competition show.


Hope you're a Link bagholder since Roman galleys are really stinky.
t. /his/

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Doubles for the future Simon Cowell over here...

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her obviously

take a nap

im 100% on LINK

t.30k Linkie

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Buy Star Wars from Didney.
Fix it.


Become some sort of service provider.
(net, electricity, cell, etc)

or healthcare

Hedonistic Drifter.

this. i genuinely don't understand why rich people can ever be bored. there's so many interesting projects to fund, and if you have money you can be the guy who sits there and is entertained by hundreds of people individually coming to you to demonstrate their expertise

i like the cut of your jib

Way ahead of you

The only good answer

So basically, what would you do with 1B$ in bitcoin, which is 500M after crashing the market to sell them, which is 250M after taxes.
I'd start a an-cap utopia on a bunch of waterproofed conex boxes, offer digital citizenship with no taxes (one time payment based on prevailing market conditions) and gradually offer more slots as infrastructure improves. Model the place as a alternative to the Switzerland of old.

I'd like to run the manufacturing of gauss guns in eastern Europe for entertaining shooting and ship them all over the world.

Also, I would hire Black Isles and fund them to make a new proper Fallout.

Of course, that besides heaps of cocain and underage girls

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Based. I like to way you think

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god I wish I could just implant my face in her meat

2 chicks at the same time

Invest in real shit like stocks and real estate. Unfortunately, you cant cash out of meme coins

Start a porn "company" where all i do is have sex with 10/10 18-22 year olds. It would always be a creampie ending


This but with traps

This but with braps

learn how 2 manipulate shitcoins

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Pay of any debt you might have
Give away 5%
Take out 35% and diversify it as much as possible
Take out 2.5% Spoil myself with random shit
Put 2.5% in long shots cryptos or otherwise

Still have over a 100k BTC to Hodl and be part of the possible financial revolution.

Marry that bitch

Every time I see this girl, I feel a tremendous void in my life. FUCK

>Give everyone on Jow Forums 10 bitcoin.

He is going to have to give away like 110 bicoin then. He won't do it because sending it would be a pain in the ass even if he felt generous.

It's normal on girls who do 0 exercise

Overthrow my gubmit or kill as many officials as possible

Im buying the license to be your slave

sorry i will only use the niggers and sandniggers ive sunk earlier as Rower so it will be cost effective as possible

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Mother of god sauce plz

Convert half to BCH and sell the rest, 100 every day.

also 200k? nigga you don't hold back your premises do you?

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>if i had bitcoins

i would liquidate them before crypto becomes a full bore dumpster fire

This but with Japs

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market sell all of them and buy a bunch of alts with decent use cases after the market completely crashes. Then I'd rebuy 400k at half the price I paid.

Then I'd do fun stuff or just keep fuckingw with poorfags.

If I never had to worry about money, I'd devote my time to making history and anime videos on youtube.

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I'd cash out from the unstable market, thus giving me the upper hand on the crypto Forex. To be fair, that bubble is going to be liquidated because no decentralized currency can survive without backing

Start a patreon Jow Forums would back this project

OP I believe in you!

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then the void will be there when she is with you, also.

improve yourself, and BE the void.

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>cash out half
>build a house on remote island
>buy a few women in russia
>rape them daily
>rape their kids
>rape their kids

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Market sell and crash the market with no survivors.

Based. I will invest in this when im rich

Look at eyes. Her soul ded

Pay crazy money to developers for working on things using Bitcoin so my money keeps going up and I can spend it without cashing to fiat

I tell ya what I'd do, man.
Two chicks at the same time man.

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Titty fuck her and blam all over her face

Why is she glowing orange?

>Buy dream apartment
>Tailored wardrobe

Baby oil my negro.

Cash it all out
Buy a Cayman
Buy an apartment
Rent some office space
Come up with software based business ideas
Employ students looking for placements to slave away on my ideas for cheap
Put some profits into ETH and XLM

You can already do that for free, traps love fucking

This but with hats

Attached: Butwithhats.jpg (709x316, 92K)

Dunno. What is $200K bitcoins in real money?

6.5billion XLM

Humanity has found a new savior

What's 6.5b XLM in US dollars?

Short Bitcoin

Saves me the trouble

Yes if you start a patron I will give you some bucks

good question. shes so hot i would be raping her right now 24/7 no need for clothes. so im shocked she was able to even get underwear on before the next rape.

asians don't have souls

Attached: girlfriend.jpg (1200x1600, 307K)

what are the ice cubes for

you don't wanna know

That's it?

That's it?

This but with fats

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OMG, I love her. My favorite is when she has 10 minutes to jerk a guy off and if he doesn't cum he gets to fuck her. Such a good series of videos.

it's from a great movie, get some culture

Work with Elon Musk to speed up space colonization.

why dont you do that now?

I forgot to say: This but with rats.

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kek fell for the tranny

how much linky for her stinky

Shoving it up his ass


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