Muh degwee

>muh degwee

Attached: B0CD571E-D879-4FDB-962E-247AA4442B84.png (856x846, 85K)

>yu cn't b succsessfl wtherut edyucashn

Attached: 15225875554690.png (645x729, 80K)

Well, you can't... you will end up like those Jow Forums tards, not a child and not an adult.

Enjoy your debt.

stuck in limbo, eternally browsing this board, hoping some shitcoin makes you rich but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning

>you can't
Tell that to rappers with face tats and YouTube reviewers, wagie

Attached: 1522009166710.png (813x850, 400K)

is that "success"? kek

But I have a master's degree.

my education is free. Actually govt. is paying me to go to university for a higher degree..

Good luck making it without a degree in 2018 when you're competing against hundreds of millions of super IQ Chang's and pajeets faggot