Any Canadian anons from the GTA here?

Any Canadian anons from the GTA here?

How the fuck can we avoid housing? The only places where there is affordable housing is shithole backwater towns where there are no jobs and only on-the-brink of death boomers live.

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Just buy a house that ranges from 350k to 400k
No more than that

I don't want to live in a shoe box though

You cant. I make over 100K and cant afford to own. Get a job downtown that you can work remotely 90% of the time and live oitside the city.

Unfortunatley there is only one option: move.

I don't know man. If my parents kick me out im hanging myself

How many of those jobs are there though? I've literally seen many postings recently with "We expect you to work from the office 4/5 days a week at minimum".

Theyre out there. Look at insurance and banking or telcom/rogers.

Find a job in a shithole town (mines 30K) Find a niche job. Embrace the boomers, live cheap.

I would blow my brains out if I had to work in customer service ever again

I can't even afford a 250k house in my rural area. I'll have to move to Kansas if I want a 150k home. Not going to happen. I'd rather live in a van than move anywhere. This is my land!

Why are you still in GTA? It should be a gulag containment for immigrants and rich people. Move out west

Because Vancouver is only millionaire chinks and Alberta is just rednecks

My house was 470K in Edmonton. 2100 sqft.

Any major city in Canada going to be expensive...

The Don River, user. A bunch of us tent it now waiting for Tezos to get its shit together. Under the Bloor Aqueduct is trendy but further south if you're not picky.

What high class of individuals od you have in the GTA? If you think African and middle East immigrants are better than white rednecks, then you deserve what you get, kek

I've dealt with a lot of clients from Alberta and it really turned me off. A lot of them are really fucking dumb.

Why have I been expecting a general Canadian housing crash for 4 years and prices keep rising? Sh-should I buy or is this like bitcorn at $17000?

Our population is going to continue to grow for the foreseeable future, meaning, more people looking for homes.

when did housing have a crash in the GTA?

prices are just going to go up, there is so much foreign investment here

White people aren't breading. House prices are increasing because we're importing people. Wait for the pendulum to swing back user

On an anecdotal level, I think the white people not breeding meme is bullshit. Lots of people I know have 2 kids on average. And these are people in their early 30's.

House prices are actually falling here in the west. I don't live in a major city. Not educated. And make over 100k a year. Who cares if you think people are stupid. Stupid people with lots of money still spend money. Use them. You're smarter than them right

This country is trash. You have to live in a city if you want anything, but every city is uninhabitable unless you have gibs, massive debt or a boomer.

I just want to be that 30 year old boomer meme with a nice house and big front lawn. How bad will it have to get before we elect a nationalist?

As a 28 year old boomer, I'm utterly fucked, rents are through the roof and so are the prices. I'm a software developer with a decent salary (in goose bucks) and even so its hard to manage. The reality is you need a 2nd hustle to bring in an equivalent income + spouses decent income to buy anything livable. Working on the hustle now.

>prices in Vancouver fall 30%
>now only $400k for a shitty one bedroom shoebox in the sky
We made it!