Admit it

Admit it.

We are going to lose all our money.

Attached: ChainLink.jpg (1000x1000, 197K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah just you user

To him

Attached: smile.jpg (200x249, 6K)

>He fell for this obvious pajeet scam

Attached: 1503396029227.jpg (2544x4000, 906K)

chink link

Attached: 1530502268006.png (500x513, 119K)

The we're too busy to update the cheeto face nerds on Jow Forums getting to you, eh? This treatment is unacceptable.

It's obvious from the botched ico that they weren't to be taken seriously. Hope you learned your lesson


we already did
i measure in link now

>ico isn't a smartcontract

end of story


but we'll gain a lot of LINK and that's better

precisely. they asked for millions of $ and have barely been heard from since, and can't execute an actual smart contract, pathetic

You're gonna lose all your money and your wife won't believe in you.

Sell today, moon tomorrow.
Sergey, out.

Lol this fud campaign wasnt here yesterday

My gawd, shut up. No Link holder is going to see your shitty FUD attempts and sell... Your team sucks, and whoever hired you should get their money back
Breddy gud

>Your team sucks, and whoever hired you
kek the delusion, he thinks link is important enough for professional fud campaigns.

I think it's easier to believe because there's a financial incentive. Imagine the kind of retard who makes FUD threads like this because they actually believe it. I'd just have people like that taken to the pound and put down.

No. The most likely scenario is that I lose only a lot of money.

Attached: 54645677.jpg (1280x720, 272K)

Imagine someone wasting his fucking life on Jow Forums haha how crazy.

Haha yes wow I can't even begin to imagine that, good thought there.

thanks just bought another 10k stinkies