Link Dice - Trips Get One Free

(Limit 5 Winners)

Also, brainlet here, please let me know a simple and reliable way to get the shipping address from winners?

Attached: 20180707_225448.jpg (4032x3024, 3.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:

What kind of game can you play with these?


yo how much for these?


pic related
why does sergey look like he's ready to eat a bullet smothered with big mac special sauce?

Attached: SxO_fteuqpQvGme7C2N3vQdCXdxVR1nQmf034iD7PMU.jpg (320x427, 33K)

etsy ChainLinkChad

555 get

give me one

Attached: 1525582718564.jpg (400x350, 107K)

Attached: 1530680505395.gif (300x243, 255K)

26 cents eow

fuck yes

Winner 1.

Again, let me know how to get the real winners addresses...


My trips win!

666 get kekekekeke

Fucking hell, link always has great gets

333 ez win

And 666 too, damn

OP, is there somewhere we can buy these off of you? I'd pay a few bucks...


Hello, normie here...uh.. what the fuck you doing ?

They actually look pretty good, I'm impressed.

[email protected]

What the fuck. It's way too easy to get trips.

Search on etsy - ChainLinkChad

its a scam boys
give them your address and a russian hitman will show up and start casing you. I have one following me now. He showed up at my gym. His Adidas workout shoes gave him away. he drives a older grey chevy van. Its very clean and discreet.


contacted OP on etsy to share my shipping info. seems legit. ty OP

Wow, I’m adding these to my chainlink memorabilia collection.

Attached: A0B073F4-65B1-4ADB-8D90-94659CE0442C.jpg (2048x1484, 775K)

No problem dude. It's legit. Just trying to give back to my link bros.

I'm stickin in this till i win, baby
daddy needs a new set of dice

cmon get it

Attached: 1510777577872s.jpg (216x250, 8K)

fukkin gimmeee some 777 baby

Attached: 1516063418275.png (815x815, 443K)

777 get

777 get

Fuck this thread, 555, 666 and 777 all got

Turns out it's way too fuckin ez to get trips on a dying biz board lmao. Msg me on etsy dude. grats.

eat my ass, those digits were mine

Fuck you I don't want your gay dice

Prob nervous you won't be able to resist putting them in your ass and posting pictures here.


Damn, I'm not sure if I even actually believe in LINK but I still want one of those dice :D.

I'm going for 888 now,
get ready to watch lightning strike twice boys

Attached: 1519257051999.png (875x1010, 382K)

i want dice pls sir

shitty, I'm not gonna get it

Attached: 1529533734397.jpg (300x300, 23K)

fug rerollin

I don't want it.



rerollin again pls to sir

grats bud, hopefully OP is legit



Attached: 1511605782106.jpg (508x679, 100K)

FUG u win congrats sir

Alright bitches. That's 555 666 777 and 888. Only 1 left.

Feel free to buy some if you don't win.

ChainLinkChad on etsy.


Exchange e-mails(Protonmail or better, maybe some 20 minute e-mail or whatever the kids are up to these days), then send a code word/phrase, post it on here after 5 min or w/e, and then verify on here that it's the same ID that won as has the codephrase. If you're paranoid about it being shipped to your house, do a neighbor, or a house for sale on your way to work or something

All I do is win win win no matter what

fuck me daddy

Got money on my nines I can never get enough

luv it

wtf does it mean...

means biz is dead af

EOY 80085


fucking lmao nice OP

bottom is blank? perfect place to put the shadowfork

No shipping to Europe? FUCK.

Roll. Contact me @suvillian telegram

use a shipping forwarder bro

OP won't be able to get your real address too


OP, shoot me an email and I'll give you my shipping address.

I'm retarded
>[email protected]

Trips here too

sam here


No offense to OP, but you realize on a board as dead as Jow Forums with a publicly available script like this, getting trips is not even a challenge...right?

Attached: GET Watcher.png (502x352, 9K)

How much, and where?
I'll buy them.

Cheers, just bought 6


Where can I buy? I seriously need some of these



7 7 7

It's over

Kek unbelievable


>(Limit 5 Winners)


where the fuck
i need one

the kind where you always lose

“Stinky Linkies Pin” on Etsy. 5 left, Canada only.

Attached: B9C08CF9-987F-4F5F-B9A8-C97ABD5F5BF8.jpg (640x1109, 421K)


Will you steal my hardware wallet if I give you my address?

Attached: 1522091421698.jpg (619x453, 28K)

canada only??? wtf

rollllllllllllllll i need them


Ha I didn’t make them. I bought a few a while ago. Last I checked there were 5 available but I can’t find them anymore. They may become as rare as this Pepe.

Attached: 323D61AE-37F0-4A96-9F08-115F5C20A15A.jpg (1536x2280, 909K)

Funny story, in typical Jow Forums fashion the maker of those pins bought high and sold low (the price to manufacture and ship them internationally exceeded his earnings from sells).


Roll for my future!!!
