Better than crypto

What other ways is there to make money, that is better than crypto?

Pic related is most likley a Pajeet scam. Since only Indians use Venmo. Having the fat girl would rake in more money. Because of Juggernaut law.

>If a woman is below average height, has wonky teeth, Dumbo ears, this makes guys feel like they have a CHANCE with her, as opposed to if she were more "perfect", less flawed. So this means that even girls that are AVERAGE and BELOW still have guys hitting on them. You can't stop a woman's dating potential. She is like The Juggernaut. If she is a single mum, then more guys will think they are being her prince charming by rescuing her from all the "other bad, bad men out there". She is UNSTOPPABLE. Any flaw she has JUST MAKES HER STRONGER in the dating world.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If it's real then that girl would definitely spend the $5 on food

I will pay someone 5 dollar to punch her square in her dumb ass face

White girls do not use Venmo. Besides, they are not upfront about it. They are more subtle. Going out with guys for a free lunch. But they get paid by not having to pay for the food themselves.

hiring internet whores and farming them as trained fin doms

lol that fat bitch totally looks like she's from east marietta

I do not know any longer if the white woman is pajeet or if rajesh is ramesh

le thicc brappers tho :DDD

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There was some dominatrix who used men to mine crypto for her.

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how high were you when u were swiping and thought of this?

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And at 40 they turn into the invisible woman

These thots don't realise none of these men is prepared to commit to them, they are all just easy game

Perhaps, but they wont get any less picky.

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>40 year old granny
>wants kids


that's sad

I spoke to a 44 yo cunt like this who wanted kids and wanted a younger man. I don't know how these cunts have become this delusional but the thot market correction is coming.

my mom's like that, she's lived miserable my entire life and refuses to date anyone who isn't half her age.

>40, wants kids
>only tall men
we are hitting delusion levels that shouldn't even be possible

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>If a woman is below average height
Fuck off, petite women are love and life.

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My gf got a findom offer the other day
He offered to come to her doorstep with presents/money
No sex no touching just verbal degradation
She declined because of reasons
Should i end her?

the sad thing about this is, she will find some beta cuck provider anyway

If random dudes are approaching your gf and she's actually got the fucking nerve to tell you about it, then sorry but she's already fucking other dudes, its already over.

White women are disgusting and offer nothing of value, it's time to take the yellow pill

t. white male race traitor

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>but the thot market correction is coming.


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Not sure what point you're making but these thots are going to ride the cock carousel and then when those 30s catch up with them they're going to want to settle down with a nice guy (read: betabux). But that's where the correction is coming, Mr Betabux is realizing what a bad deal he's getting and not choosing to settle for a thot, and goes on his own carousel ride to SE Asia/Japan.

>that pic

fucking hell man

i knew 100% women wouldnt give a fuck about the guy molesting a girl, but they didnt have a problem with him molesting a boy?

where is that from anyway, how many turned him down? shits fucked bros

Christ what a stupid clueless twat. She would be lucky if a literally midget wanted to date her.


>I dont rape anymore it's cool

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manlet detected, what's wrong with being upfront about your preferences, you beta midget?

>40 years old
>wants kids
That train left the station LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago lady.

Its almost like there was once this system called patriarchy that used to keep thots in line

you sound like an incel.

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What's actually wrong with this?

over valuing herself! it would be like you saying you only date 6s & up!

40 years old and wants kids. Also wants a good man. Said good man would be Better off finding a young fertile woman in her late teens early 20s. She will end up finding a beta cuck at best. Delusional roastie basically.

Fucking kek. Market correction when?

I'm in Seoul, right now, lol. I go on several dates a week.

Girls like this want me

Good luck chasing teens when being in upper 40s. It's not just her that's delusional.
>she will end up finding a beta cuck
So in other words she'll find eventually some non-manlet beta her age who also wants kids before he gets too old. Which means she was never delusional in the first place.

why do peoples lie like that

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Wanting kids at the age of 40 is pretty delusional. She'll end up spending $$$ on IVF only to produce retarded kids because of her advanced age

how old is your whore mother?

Plenty of teens would date a successful man in his 40s. Matters less for men about age. Also, she might end up finding a 40 year old man then shitting out a couple kids that have health problems. Possibly a Downie or two. Who knows. 40 year old women often produce babies with issues you know.

& greatly increase the chance of cervical cancer! God doesn't want those ppl to breed!

Jesus Christ that roastie isn't even good looking. It amazes me how much attention even a 4/10 thot receives these days thanks to the internet. This brap hog I was fucking last month would receive 3-4 snaps from dudes and at least a text or two from guys while we would hang out. She knew how to use angles and looked good on the internet but my god after we fucked and her makeup was gone she was a fucking hot mess. She ended up ghosting, guess I gave her one too many compliments. Blows my mind I know for a fact I'm 10x more successful and just as good looking if not better than the other dudes she messes with, oh well I dodged a bullet I suppose. Lads, whats even the point of trying to find love? They all have 10 million options and are manipulative sociopaths.

>Since only Indians use Venmo.
t. Hasn’t been on a college campus in decades
Literally everyone uses venmo, myself included.

What the fuckkk