Not much longer now until the big dump

Can you sense it Jow Forums?

Attached: 283746282.png (1000x1000, 301K)

Uh no. Dont tell me you sold the bottom again. desu senpai.

Yep, big beautiful engulfing red candle incoming!

plz go down

Attached: 1527069691927.jpg (195x202, 33K)

sorry bobos

no chance of any dumps untill we hit 7.2-7.5k

>desu senpai.

t. bottom shorter

baka baka desu sempoi my senpai senpai familian



Attached: Capture.jpg (886x482, 67K)

>baka baka desu sempoi my senpai senpai familian
kys even more

Try zooming out.

> He believes the bear market began in May

Attached: Support.png (1468x653, 31K)

This is the worst TA i have ever seen hands down, desu senpai.

You better get used to red dildos being forcibly inserted into your ass over the next few months.

Attached: dildos.jpg (4198x2361, 1.11M)

You may be right: pic related.

Attached: btc forecast.png (1428x681, 20K)

i wish i could filter these posts

Cool log chart


Attached: 1529192499629.png (986x1164, 451K)

I wish I could filter these posts

Thats too logarithmic

I wish I could filter these posts

Log is only chart type that matters.

I wish I could filter these posts

Mega dump incoming. I can feel it!

See you at 7k tomorrow. You will fomo @8k

So, 8k then sub 4k? Why fomo in at 8k then?

Translation: "I'm afraid of this TA because it's what's going to happen and I bought at 19k so I'm extremely desperate for a bullrun. I just want to break even NOW and not have to wait."

Attached: pepe 5859b173711f64423aa5e050.png (1280x1280, 67K)

Bobbo you salty bottomseller.