Can you sense it Jow Forums?
Not much longer now until the big dump
Uh no. Dont tell me you sold the bottom again. desu senpai.
Yep, big beautiful engulfing red candle incoming!
plz go down
sorry bobos
no chance of any dumps untill we hit 7.2-7.5k
>desu senpai.
t. bottom shorter
baka baka desu sempoi my senpai senpai familian
>baka baka desu sempoi my senpai senpai familian
kys even more
Try zooming out.
> He believes the bear market began in May
This is the worst TA i have ever seen hands down, desu senpai.
You better get used to red dildos being forcibly inserted into your ass over the next few months.
You may be right: pic related.
i wish i could filter these posts
Cool log chart
I wish I could filter these posts
Thats too logarithmic
I wish I could filter these posts
Log is only chart type that matters.
I wish I could filter these posts
Mega dump incoming. I can feel it!
See you at 7k tomorrow. You will fomo @8k
So, 8k then sub 4k? Why fomo in at 8k then?
Translation: "I'm afraid of this TA because it's what's going to happen and I bought at 19k so I'm extremely desperate for a bullrun. I just want to break even NOW and not have to wait."
Bobbo you salty bottomseller.