HOLO is the next grand bull run-up

user, sure, hold your LINK stack as suicide insurance.

However, HOLO is the next Stellar style run-up, if you can iron hand it for a year. It was two years for XLM, but things have changed. We're quicker.

Are you going to blow it?

Will you fuck up and sell at a 10x?

Screen-cap this and come back to me summer 2019. :)

Attached: holollar.png (1562x1562, 304K)

Other urls found in this thread:


but its a literal scam like trx isnt it?

The few intelligent people here are finance intelligent, but can't seem to understand the deep technical aspects of what makes Holo amazing. Honestly I tried for weeks to convince this place but I gave up because apparently Holo thread here or there was definitely a pajeet discord group...

Meanwhile skycoin and chainlink posts never end. Oh biz...

Don't worry...I've screen-capped it, and they'll get a reminder only twice. Once at a 10X, and again at a 100X.

Cheers, user.

yes Holochain is one of the few projects out there with legitimate 200x potential. And I think the more the price rises, the more developers will jump on board and contribute to the project.

When I went to the hackathon, it was the smartest, highest caliber of crypto enthusiasts I've ever seen. Real developers and early adopters see the potential with this one: to change the way the internet works entirely.

Yes I have a stack to buy an island when holo moons. I know it will be the start of my dynasty.

I just bought holo 'at the top', 180sats.

Attached: 4chan.jpg (541x532, 188K)

Thanks, anons. Take that bitch by the mane and ride hard.

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Link marine here. Have 2 mil Holo. How many to make it then faggot?

5 million will be good if you don't settle for a 10x, wait for 50-100. I'd grip 10 milion and set a sell target for 2-3 million, upping your targets along the way to reinvest in new shit, but that's just me.

I should be able to pick up 5 mil doubt 10
Why should I choose more Holo over Elastos or Eos?
Thanks BTW

As much as I like to troll fud, cant fud on this one, its the best shit ive seen in a while, holding 25mill as insurance. Too lazy to follow up the news, any huge events inc.?

got to wait 6 months atleast, gl hodling

Did someone say Holo thread? Sorry I'm late, boys.


Attached: eric.jpg (225x225, 6K)

brainlet here - the ticker symbol is hot?


My issue with Holochain is I don't see how the token can be worth much. Seems like the entire network could operate just fine without it.

1000$ eoy!!!!
Oh wait that was link

You're confusing Holo with Holochain. Nobody stops you from developing your app on holochain and make it work P2P with other faggots. See their twitter clone and some other apps.

Holo is for bridging holochain apps to the internet so normies can access them without installing convoluted software and other shit. Put yourself into a developers shoes. You just made a killer dapp on holochain. You know this dapp has potential but it's only used by like 10000 neckbeards that know how make it work fully P2P. Would you buy holofuel to host it on the Holo platform so that every Joe Norman can access it from a browser? If not, you're retarded.

Also if a dev makes a centralized app, he still has to account for the cost of hosting. Instead of paying Amazon or Microsoft, you pay the dudes that are hosts in the Holo network.

TL/DR: holofuel buys you computational power. Computational power is valuable. There's nothing else to debate.

Also, why the fuck is everyone talking positively about Holo now? Where are the fucking fudders? I was hoping for another 30% deep so I can reach my accumulation target. FUCK! Good thing Jow Forums is a wasteland and this thread can't move the price even 1%


This is true BUT i think holofuel will set the standard for exchange on the holochain network for a few reasons:
1. It is incredibly well designed to steadily inflate in price at a logarithmic rate to possibly 1000x ico price
2. It is asset backed by holohost which makes it directly exchangeable for computational time and storage (similar to a giftcard to AWS EC2 services)
3. This also gives it the "first mover" advantage on the holochain network as a type of reserve currency.

>Also, why the fuck is everyone talking positively about Holo now? Where are the fucking fudders?
People plan to dump it prior to the holotoken swap, is gonna be a bloodbath. Holo is holochain for normies. Good luck trying to make normies understand the concept and getting a no blockchain experiment to a decent exchange.

You think normies understood Tron?

>People plan to dump it prior to the holotoken swap
Baseless accusation
>Holo is holochain for normies
strawman argumnet
>Good luck trying to make normies understand the concept
legitimate concern, this shit is complicated but once you understand that holochain is a PROTOCOL not a token, you see how this could replace every available blockchain on the market and even seize a huge chunk of marketshare from hosting and computing services like AWS and database providers such as Oracle.
>getting a no blockchain experiment to a decent exchange.
You can download holochain tools and start developing hApps today. But you're right, history shows you need a completely developed product to get your token on Binance /s.

Once you normies understand that Holochain is a protocol, try to explain them why paying 1% fee to Holo is better than using that other happs for free or with smaller fees, and that hodling holo token is a good thing, when they are not actually a cryptocurrency nor meant for speculation. This is why the swap is gonna be ugly. And I believe in holochain and made quite the profit with Holo, mind you.

*Once the normies

>Once you normies understand that Holochain is a protocol, try to explain them why paying 1% fee to Holo is better than using that other happs for free or with smaller fees, and that hodling holo token is a good thing, when they are not actually a cryptocurrency nor meant for speculation. This is why the swap is gonna be ugly. And I believe in holochain and made quite the profit with Holo, mind you.

They said less than 1%, not 1%. Why do you keep regurgitating this shit?
The normies aren't even going to know that they're accessing an app that uses holo unless it's some special case where the developer wants to make the end-user pay for hosting.
Also bitcoin wasn't meant for speculation either, it was meant to be a decentralized payment system.

Holo is the hosting app on Holochain. Holochain is free both to use and develop on, but you need to pay in Holofuel to host on holo and will need to pay more holofuel based on the usage of the happ.
All it takes is one or two successful hApps to single handedly drive the demand for fuel higher.

I'm a poor fag that keeps investing in the top 30. I think I'm going to all in my next couple deposit on this. Just wanted to thank everyone for the info. I'll be reading about this all day.

You literally don't understand how any of this shit works. Normies won't pay for shit as users of the apps unless some retarded dev requires it. You as a dev buy holofuel and pay for hosting. Less than 1% of that goes to the foundation. Afterwards you monetize your dapp anyway you see fit to cover the cost of hosting + profit. What you said is as retarded as saying people will pay for facebook's hosting out of their own pocket. We're not in 2000 anymore. There are thousands of ways to monetize your apps and none of them involve the users paying 1% of anything or even paying.

Even if you developed a SaaS on Holo, you could even charge fiat for using it and then convert some of that fiat for holofuel, without the user ever interacting or knowing what Holo or Holochain is.

>thinks he'll make it

what is marketcap you fucking brainlet.

This is why most of biz is never going to make, bunch of dumb, degenerate animals that keep falling for pigshit stupid memes.

>thinks he'll make it

Attached: 1287344284242.jpg (380x302, 31K)

sure, the shitass coin already has 65 million market cap....i might give it a second look if it was still under 10 million. The shitcoin has already had its bullrun.

the timeframe on this coin is ballsack


OK, I stand corrected, that I didn't realize the bridge part was even a thing. That's actually pretty awesome desu. I guess the main hindrance would be a killer app to drive adoption.

I wouldn't worry too much about it.
There's no shortage of dapps being developed on Holochain. There's a list around here. Also there are some apps that already work like that twitter clone. Many top-tier devs are working on it and some announced that they will switch from Ethereum to Holo because the benefits are too big to ignore. When people say that Holochain makes 95% of the blockchain projects obsolete, it's not a meme.