Germany is the chad of philosophy

Germany is the chad of philosophy

>Stirner (that alone would be enough)
>Martin Luther

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philosophy is cringe

nationality is also a spook, retard

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Stirner is a meme. Marx however is based

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Thomas Aquinas

Those are the only three that matter. Everything afterwards is an ebarrassement.

Germany seems like a pretty comfy place with a strong artistic and philosophical tradition. I wish more people took an interest in the non-militaristic parts of your culture and history

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i think we have the worst philosophy
kind of responsible to these modern day western liberal value

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pretty sure martin luther was american

at least your philosophers were actual chads and not autists like the germans

they are slavs mainly

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when you overdose on red pills

forgot link

lol this, Voltaire alone is enough to dab on the entirety of Germany

what are philosophs doing nowadays?

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All of German "philosophers" are pompous charlatans.

Austria made it all irrelevant with

CHINA is the chad of philosophy
LAOZI (that alone would be enough)
the two most chad people to ever exist

his entire legacy is a spook
lead to the garbage intellectualism today
neet cringe, with no real substance to offer other than his successors
so close but he didnt really form a philosophy rather than diagnose and go against others
>marthin luther
lul what did he do? secularized religion? kthx
literally who, of kant

What did these '''fine''' gentlemen offer?

>not mentioning wang yangming
come on

Ayn Rand? She secularized Aristotle
Kant secularized Plato

quick rundown on all these gooks?

Greek philosophy?

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Thanks Germany for ideas that made world a better place, like Communism.

Who cares about those nerds. Legalism is the only practical philosophy.

>Destroy catholicism
>destroy capitalism

Why are germans like that?

Both are evil things

Imagine thinking Ayn Rand is even remotely meaningful in the grand scheme of western philosophy.


>a fucking leaf
>destroyed catholicism
>destroyed capitalism
marx(but it was already happening really)

anarcho capitalism with chinese characteristics.

why isnt she?
isnt the fountainhead/atlas shrugged one of the all-time bought books?
there are literal celebrities and politicians who mention her.

what sort of information do you have that denies her significance or importance to philosophy?

Reading German philosophy, especially idealists, is probably the worst form of literary torture. Some German students unironically prefer translations.

>Taoism, Wu Wei
man this all sounds gobblety gook,
i highly doubt you can stretch these concepts to anarcho capitalism if it werent for the brainlets that said so.

Marx is just a science fiction author, not a philosoph.
And he is not german.

read the dao de jing 888 times, and then the zhuangzi 888 times as well
you will understand.

>rips off Eastern though
>muh western civilisation
Sloppy sections, the continent.

I hate the idealist side of German philosophy, and also the fucking idealist culture in Germany in general.
But those that I mentioned are anti-idealists. I specifically didn't mention Hegel, Habermas and other retards, only the based ones (and Marx because sometimes people forget he's German)

>born in Trier

more German than you Tarek

it sounds bullshit and it reads bullshit.
any good philosophy doesnt require a fucking analysis of what the author may or may not have meant.


have you read both at least once?
you can read the bare translations without analysis whatsoever. most of it is quite straightforward.

didnt see thi gem.
god bless america

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Jewish parents, jewish name, never considered himself german but jewish.

Kant wasnt german either then but a balt

based and grey pilled

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>first book
it seems like death-worship promoting philosophy but i can see how someone can twist this as to: its 'natural' for humans to survive. no. it equalizes all our values and needs into nothingness -- equalizing existence to non-existence

again without making definitive translations in which quoted from the wiki, translators 'love' to which a 'puzzle' they think to have solved

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Then stop occupying us

>forget he's German
That's because he was a Jew




the second book has the similiar concept of equalization.
it starts with materialism and then denying the mind fundamentally because it is part of a body

it goes on in detail to deny rationalism through limitations of linguistics and logic and out-of-body reality.

same thing, i find it hard to twist this into an ancap philosophy. unless by laissez faire, or wu wei, the authors means dont bother about others because you and them are the same and dont exist.

He was Polish

Are you fucking baiting at this point or just naturally retarded?

And you absolutely have to go back

god i hate redditors

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"What purpose is not my purpose"?
You're purpose is to serve the party and the motherland crakkka

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state an argument kraut, i know your shitty philosophy teachers taught you not to think but you're in a big boy place now

f f s

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chapter 57 to 60 of the ddj is probably the most overt in showing laozi's vision of an ideal government

I couldn't see a single argument in this entire thread but stupid fucking reddit memes only even dumber. There is so much wrong with every single sentence, hell every single word, you just know you are not interested in wasting your time.

"Do not debate idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you there with experience."


How to /leftypol/ 101.


Give me atleast one reason why I do need this.

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bye felicia.
well in its own way, he DOES advocate anarchism, it seems bullshit though because the whole system of thought is about your own individual nothingness/futility. there is no conventional right or wrongs or even objects of values. -- from what ive read

Translate that meme

what IS it?
pick my philosophy instead goy- guy!

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>kant lead to garbage intellectualism
literally how

>critique of reason
despite my heritage, english is the only language i speak

April theses
Why did mother die

I don't think Russians read philosophy, you're more Darwin type

>Ayn Rand

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I am certain Objectivism is right.

debate me on logic or happiness

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fuck off critique of reason is a classic and the only reason to call it garbage is you're just butthurt you can't grasp what it's about

Stoicism is the true Slayer philosophy.

filling welfare applications

why dont you bring forth your ideas to the debate? im happy to refute them

Don't be sad fren. Let's about fish and chips :D
Why would I lol

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maybe 56%

>hm yes, SNIFFS, oh quite... indeed...
>logic only deals with reality
>also logic, doesnt deal with the purpose of its creation
k nigger

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the thread.

are you good looking (white kino), tall (6'2 +), buff(muscled)?

How about how,
there is an external world that we cannot prove
-- because it is outside our power to perceive
denying the fact a world we cannot perceive
isnt necessary.

(916 matches in critique of pure reason btw)

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face it,
you were an impressionable person who
latched on to the nearest person
who sounded like they were right,
denying the very power that allows you
to stand here today.

^^ (you) ^^

first they laughed

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