Oldfag back again, did you fall for my posts?

Anons, you can't possibly be that gullible right? Do you know how large my Chainlink stack is? Sorry buds but I loaded up at 15 cents, with a fair amount of FUD. I am part of a large whale group that collectively own millions of LINK. Due to the low volume, we needed some weak hands but don't worry, you still have time to buy in before the moon mission

Attached: blacked.jpg (1200x900, 290K)

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Knew it

nice LARP

Always knew it, but you're still a fuckin clown, and always will be

And I will always be richer than you, better at this game, and have a laugh doing it. Lighten up fag, and shine my shoes

But Im richer than you...

No he’s smart, he got a good amount of people to sell at 18-22 cents, I wish I bought when he was fudding

So how long, OP?

I’m thinking the later half of this month will be fruitful for LINK. I’m thinking September will see a barrage of good news. I’m thinking LINK will be in the top 25 by year end.

Goddamn it.

Sold my LINK. Won't make same mistake again.

you guys seriously still talking about this chainlink shitcoin? when are you going to let it go? youve wasted almost an entire year on this and at best you've all broken even.