Why do firsties think living in the third world is easier than living in their their cunts?

Why do firsties think living in the third world is easier than living in their their cunts?
Is it just ignorance? or a meme?

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Stop making these threads

I hope it's a meme. Otherwise it would be a really impressive development in the 4channer twisting of reality. After all, the kind of people that say that are of the same kind who say that the global elites are marxist, that fascism is liberty, that christianity is persecuted

>living in the third world is easier than living in their their cunts
Because you can sell pirated shit on the streets, if we did that we'd go to jail.
Your countries have less severely enforced legal systems.

That said, it's developed very quickly in SEA specifically the last two decades... with places becoming more like our hell holes lately. I wouldn't really call you third world... though you're bordering on first world.

I hate living in the first world desu
>can't buy hookers for 2 dollars
>can't buy food for the week for under 10 dollars
>have to ride my own car to work instead of a tuk tuk
>come home and have to make dinner, instead of paying a bargirl 200 pesos to pretend to be my gf for a week and live with me and cook my meals
>fucking have to shower every day
>no crazy parties anywhere
>can't wear flip flops because too cold
>imagine not being stung by mosquitos, why would you want that?
I can go live in Angeles city like a king RIGHT NOW but noooo I choose to live in the "first" world

>upper middle class anons from developing countries think they have it worse than poor fucks living in developed capitalist hellscapes
Top kek.


>imagine not being stung by mosquitos

fucking paradise, mosquitos dont come often here, but when they do they will fuck your shit up

t. firstie who never tried living in a shithole 3rd world

Don't act like you have any fucking idea how the poor in your country live, you spoiled little cunt.

See Legitmately fucking kill yourself.

It's a meme for sure. The heart of Jow Forums culture is being contrarian no matter the circumstances. Everyone wants to have a snowflake opinion and the lengths some people go are pathetic

You need to see a properly undeveloped country like Africa where they lack fucking roads.
You have freeways and an education system in the Philipines. You are not even close to "undeveloped".

Philippines is first world.

>f*Rstoids complaining about their """""hard""""" lives in the west again

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Canada is third world.

I know though. When I was a kid, we lived around lower middle class. These days things have gotten better.

Even assuming your argument is valid, people who are well off here have:
no welfare.
no safety nets
No cheap or free healthcare.
Have to take an average of 5 hrs of traffic a day.
Shitty labor standards.
Extorted almost monthly
Monthly power outages (lasts 2-3 days)
Fucked over by police almost monthly
And is 10 times more likely to die by disaster, crime, and disease than a first world cunt.

You live in luxury and you don't even know it.

You've never been here then. Many places are shitty and destroyed roads, if there are any.
It's not as bad as Africa but equating the 3rd world to Africa only is an insult.

The pro dutertard banterfag samefagger is leaking like shit again

Let's hang around in Ecatepec, user.

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let me grab my worn down blue jeans from the 90's and a shitty polo shirt, grow my facial hair and get a shitty haircut and then we can grab something to eat for sure

I work in a restaurant that SHOULD be shut down but isn’t because we’ve paid off the health inspector, do illegal renovations, and threaten the neighbouring businesses when their employees park in our spots. Surrey is NOT first world

Banterfag just shut the fuck up
We get it mommy and daddy OFW didn't give you enough money to satisfy you're dissapointment ass

I would love to be a third worlder, then I would have an excuse.


looks like home to me

Because they believe we have low standards for everything and everything is lax. Little do they know that we're literally slaves in our shitholes.

Looks like my city, except the roads are extra narrow and double parking everywhere

Because they cherry pick shit and it's all on paper on top of that

yea life is really hard here
*orders the maid to go get me a pizza*


t. Richie Nguyen

>easy to get work cause everyone else is piss lazy
>easy to get a high paying job if you're smart because of the low average IQ, employers are desperate for intelligent workers
>food grows everywhere around you, grab a papaya off the tree on your way to work
>cheap food
>cheap hookers
>cheap maids
>if you get in trouble with a cop just bribe him off with 20 cents
>women will drool over you if you make like 10 bucks a day
>perfect weather
>everyone's friendly, strong family culture
>low IQ thots are easy to fug
>can date a young teen or even have two or more GFs because no one gives a fuck, maybe you have to tip their dads off with another 20 cents
>worst comes to worse you can build your own house in the countryside (with cheap ass labour) and grow your own food in the warm and wet climate that's godlike for farming
>tons of fresh fruit and seafood for cheap, markets everywhere
>if you need some cash in a pinch just walk around at night and rob the palest guy you see
>economy is actually booming in terms of relative growth so if you save some money and invest it you'll get crazy returns
>barely any taxes because most work is done on a black market anyways and the government is too incompetent for serious revenue collection

Isn't that LA??

t. firstoid who never went to a 3rd world cunt

An "upper middle class" third worlder is still a poorfag by first world standards.

Not homeless/hobo-tier of course, but still poorfag.

Bule are that dumb and they liked to bitch

just bantzing fren

it's the meme that poverty = happiness

Pathetic Idiot.

Grow a spine and take responsibility for your shit. People like me work my ass off to come to this beautiful country and live with first world benefits. You are just a retard who throws away every opportunity this wonderful country gives you and then complain.

At least Flipland is getting better. They're reviving the railways, highways, infrastructure, new airports, better roads, etc

I'm part of the "builder generation". I BUILT this country from the rock bottom.
I'm just upset that one day, my children (pampered by 1st world luxury) would turn into .