I don't believe anyone here was actually dumb enough to buy this shitcoin. Post screencap of your holdings

I don't believe anyone here was actually dumb enough to buy this shitcoin. Post screencap of your holdings

Attached: 309621-LINK.png (300x300, 47K)

fuck screencaps. too lazy.

60 - 40
link - sky

t. Shill

Fuck You, we don't own you anything basedboy

not a shill. dont care if you buy or sell. just information

well I own 5.5k
but I do nothing for you faggot, stay poor

then why would you post in my thread when the whole point is I don't believe you - post a screencap

fuck off

Link confirmed one big shill operation, just as I suspected

Here you go senpai.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-08-20-41-33.png (1080x1920, 176K)

why RVN?

what is eta for a good Link pump? When are the expected to deliver the goods?

I don't fucking know, I just buy memes.

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didnt you hear me. i dont care if you believe me. buy. sell. i answered the question you asked. i refused to obey the command half of your post. im an edgelord. back off

I swear people have the most inflated sense of importance for whatever reason. OP is a stupid faggot.

Why do you love sucking cock so much OP?

Attached: Screenshot 2018-07-08 at 2.51.33 PM.png (1349x420, 202K)

But call him a shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

Been hodling hardcore as fuck through this crash

Wanting more stinkies and bitcoins tho

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He is a snow nigger.
Summer there is like 1.5 months but with some twists: daylight is 6-7 hours and the temperature is 35 mean.
They see no swimware pussy, jerk eachother in saunas and get salty overall.
Also op is a closet faggot that lives with mom& step dad.

The fuck are you even saying?
You’re not only a faggot but also retarded. Nice job

not shrinking. dont care about "your" thread. have no emotions actually. thats why im good at this

You fat cock sucking pieces of shit have no idea what you're talking about. This is a legit project, out of thousands of crypto projects this 1 and a handful of others actually looks good and should take off 1 day with good reason. You honestly think that devs of a $32mil project are concerned with keeping some social media addicted millennial morons up to date with the latest news from said projects? Because they are not. If you want to keep up to date, ask questions on the slack, follow the github, don't come to a Japanese anime board crying about lack of tweets.

You people think bin laden orchestrated 9/11, you probably think iraq had weapons of mass destruction, you think north korea and iran are threats to the west and you probably think we've been to the moon and we live on a fluke ball spinning around the sun at thousands of miles an hour and that the moon is just a lump of rock there by chance that only appears to be the same size as the sun, travelling similar routes, because it's exactly the right distance, by coincidence, and our ball earth tiliting at exactly the right angle, by coincidence, rotating at exactly the right speed, by coincidence that rhey just "appear" the same size, travelling the similar routes and the same speed because COINCIDENCE MUH BIG BANG ALL THE SCIENTISTS CAN'T BE WRONG. WELL YES THEY CAN. BECAUSE THEY ARE. AND ALL YOU FUCKING RETARDED PIECES OF SHIT CAN'T WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND THE FACT THAT YOU, YOUR PARENTS, YOUR TEACHERS AT SCHOOL, REPORTERS ON THE NEWS AND ALL THE "TOP SCIENTISTS" HAVE BEEN LIED TO FROM FUCKING BIRTH. ABOUT EVERYTHING. INCLUDING THE VERY NATURE OF YOUR BEING AND THE VERY NATURE OF REALITY.

I don't have any anymore but I've had it. I may need to filter the threads. I can't understand what's going on anymore. I've started seeing strange threats that looked more serious than usual, now the pagans that were beating their dick to 3 minutes in paint are being vindicated. So the merchants may have found a new way to use the rebels to do their thing again. I'll probably get a minimal stack, leave it there and I don't want to think about it anymore ever again. It's not worth it, I don't know what's happening but it's not healthy for my mind.

underrated post

copy pasta and a solid fud

i got link faggot

keep up the good work faggot. now hold those suckers til its worth sellin. then hold a bit more

>tfw I've been shitposting about Link all weekend
>tfw I've been making anons rage about their shitcoins
>tfw I'm the one who emailed Rory
>tfw I finally found out that this was a worthwhile investment

Had to do see if this was legit or not. I think my answers are verified now. Thanks guys

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