TRTL coin starter pack

W-we are all g-gonna make it

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Here we can see the good community

What am i looking at

You bought a shitcoin shilled by pajeets on this board. I'm not even sorry, it's fucking "TURTLECOIN"

no pajeets ... great community ... and nobody's shilling

TurtleCoin is unironically my favorite crypto

Attached: TurtleMashup.png (1522x954, 579K)


There is a LTC trading pair

you're a fucking idiot, thanks

It's actually the only "shitcoin" in the top 40 projects on coingecko, AND it has less than 2MM market cap, yeah tell me again why this is a bad investment with all of this code flying out of their chat every day, and new features added pretty much every god damn hour?

kill yourself pajeet. TRTL is legit, nobody fucks with the Turtles

damn fucking straight

and doge

happy birthday alien

Alien can buy booze by himself now wew

still can't squat 500 though.

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Everyone who truly believes that turtlecoin is a shitcoin should check the god damn dev channels. Never saw such an active and transparent crypto project

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...just going to leave this here

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This. Been helping Turtle since I heard about it. It is going to be golden when all the comfy shellers have their day. No shellers are going to be FOMOing very soon

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What I do not understand is why people are hating on Turtle. It is exactly as you say, an open project with honest input and feedback, and this will take this project far. Not holding millions of TRTL is like not buying an insurance policy of Link to protect your sanity if the "mooning" happens. Anons better wake up and get these shells while there are still dumbasses selling them this cheap.

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what does it even do
like dont get me wrong i like turtles , pretty cool things just chill walk slow eat grass

The question you should be asking is what doesn't turtlecoin do, compared to other crypto TurtleCoin does what they do but better and faster as well

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It will do anything they want it to do. It is in a way like the new Doge only with active developers and no pic related influence

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Nice trips

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smart contracts, fast super cheap transactions, privacy and most of all simplicity. they turn brainlets into devs, ive seen it over and over. ive even seen people learn english and then learn c++ in the turtle chat

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Yeah it's a great community, quite amazing how many people from around the world congregate there and work together to make turtlecoin so special

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