There is way more steam left. Tech is just beginning to take over. It's mostly only fucked with IT and advertising so far.
The switch from labor mattering to tech mattering is only increasing. Imagine being on board with the capital that will replace truck drivers. The returns will be enormous for that alone. Tech is still poised for huge runs.
Jose Moore
the chad 2000 index is superior in every respect to the virgin S&P
pic fucking related imagine being a virgin S&P HODLer >b-but m-muh 1.83% annual divs! meanwhile the chad 2000 index has almost the same yield, but consistently outperforms the weak, beta-bitchboy S&P
you dont have to wait at all bruh just make the chad decision and buy the chad 2000 index an laugh at all the virgin S&P HODLers
i like the way 3M looks. i dont expect a moonshot or anything like that for obvious reasons, but its hardly recovered at all from february, and its not in any danger of falling anymore imo
We'll either get government protecting drivers by suppressing the tech, or a lot of pissed off and heavily armed fat guys, many of them veterans, with a lot of free time all of a sudden. Personally, I have my doubts that self driving trucks will be able to deal with weather any time soon. And maintenance on all the sensors they'll have might not make them cost-effective. But what the fuck do I know? I thought trucking seemed like a good idea when I saw the writing on the wall for video store managers. RIP Movie Gallery, you were a sweet gig.
Parker Powell
dont buy and hold w them unless the market/sector youre trading trades unusually calmy in one way or another. internal reset fucks you up due to institutional buying and selling
choppy volatile markets suck for leveraged ETFs unless youre just swinging w em
i think all industrials are overweight garbage desu, but theres a very clear bottom on a lot of these. theyve been whacked by tradewar FUD for some reason, and should have some room to go up
>i think all industrials are overweight garbage desu, but theres a very clear bottom on a lot of these. theyve been whacked by tradewar FUD for some reason, and should have some room to go up
Any opinion on WM?
Austin Myers
where the fuck is the guy who tipped HPPI, i need clarification
Colton Mitchell
CMI is pure value right now, even if you don’t get the bottom. WM is similar with room to grow.
Easton Hall
Nice! There is still an active /smg/ thread on a sunday. This thread has really turned a corner.
Jordan Sanders
Why do you say that?
Joshua Brown
looks like someones accumulating rn (check CMF and to a lesser degree, OBV) but it also looks like it just hit resistance desu (look at CCI and candle formation)
i know literally nothing of their financials, but it looks like their ER estimate is set rather high this quarter. if they beat that (and provided it does what its supposed to when it beats, which is kind of a crapshoot imo), then this thing will probably move
"Chad" 2000 still gets rekt by the bugman NASDAQ My next deposit gets here Tuesday, I'M STILL CONSOLIDATING
Henry Ortiz
spy will make one last push to 300 and then crash hard af you've been warned
Noah Richardson
TSLA should have shitty bonds. This is a feature.
>why are the bonds bad Because it's not campbells soup >why are the sales low Q2? Because the 360+ million dollar tax credit loss if they sold to capacity in q2
I swear to god analysts have no brainpower.
Joseph Anderson
Your charting is pretty good, it's just unfortunate that you haven't seen the light and continue to get butt blasted by the golden bull.
Dominic Perez
but if the market crashes now it will rebound in time for trump to take credit for it in 2020
/Blog/ hhaha I just saw an ant and it was caryying a Tiny pebble, and it got its leg stuck in a baby spider web, and the baby spider came out and tried to grab the rock from the ant instead of the ant hahaha it was the funniest thing Ive ever seen /blog
Blake Stewart
what does Jow Forums think about investing in marijuana?
Cameron James
so, memes aside, what's the mood for tomorrow? Green day or red day?
John Green
tech is for useful idiots and aspiring decade long bagholders who like buying the top. for now at least
lol TSLA has terrible bonds m8 the reason is because lending them money is a bad idea. ive always found bonds to be rather honest in this respect
bonds don't care about growth of the underlying, just if it stays in business, it's logical tesla has shitty bonds. It would be extremely strange if they didn't.
Brandon Baker
>useful idiots >has kicked the shit out of the pleb boomer SPY for the last 30 years I just can't wait for the dump to buy the bottom with options on leveraged QQQ
It doesnt need to be explained for the umpteenth time lurk more, golden bullrun SPY 300
Gavin Lewis
I've been getting drunk on a sunday but I'd like to thank everybody in this thread for having a really good conversation last thread about china, it was really nice and renewed my hope for /smg/ and I'm really looking forward to monday Why shouldn't I buy a lot of OTM straddles for this upcoming earnings barrage? Seems like ez money to me
Waymo is going to be doing 1 million rides by this time next year and has huge orders. That's by conservative as fuck waymo.
The world is shifting. If you aren't getting aboard and sticking to shit like housing or autos you're fucking crazy.
Josiah Nelson
Yes The volatility is the point. Good swigs to be had on the reg This
Levi Howard
wait how much money have you made reluctant kneepads; I've always wanted to ask you that but i never did
Wyatt Collins
Wm is an amazing buy and hold. Excellent div, very stable slow and steady growth, superb management and financials, sector never disappearing
Oliver Williams
Why do you think it's a bubble?
Housing was a bubble because it produced nothing. A fucking house generates nothing. The technology wasn't even better and locations meh.
Tech is not like any of that.
Zachary Taylor
>I just can't wait for the dump to buy the bottom just please do tech gon git the shit ripped out of it. half that index isnt even "tech" >options on leveraged QQQ incorrect. buy options on $NDX much better return. and for the low price of $23350 per contract, you too can be the proud owner of a 100day ATM $NDX call and LARP that you have around $720k betting on the nasdaq once it goes ITM
Tyler Miller
Don't you get it kneepad, the bogs are trying to kill you with diseases because you are a bear.
Jayden Wilson
i agree, but ive heard people buying and holding this shit. thats retarded in any market thats not 2017
Bentley Perez
It doesn't matter though. If it has exposure it's a decent investment. You want to bet on tech and short labor.
Christian Scott
>me havent lost a single penny >spiders are good people darling....