What is your opinion of Russian culture?

What is your opinion of Russian culture?

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vatnik scum

Cringe thread, delete

Please keep the discussion within the bounds of Jow Forums's board rules.
We don't want this thread to be deleted by a certain Russian Janny.

It was wiped out by bolsheviks. What you see know is bydlo-mordor with some nice historical buildings deliberately degenerated by former apparatchiks into feral sodom and gommorah full of snow, while everyone with a moticum of brains and/or money is trying to fuck off anywhere else ASAP.

>The russian soul

pfftt hahahaha

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>Jow Forums's board rules.
He doesn't care about these. He deletes whatever he wants.

How did you manage to make such a short post so boring and painful to read?

You say that like it's a bad thing

Yeah, Janny, delete this bullshit. Everybody dont know russian culture, just larping bullshit


Serious answer, they are the middle ground between Europe and Asia. Too collectivist for the former, and too individualistic for the latter.

So this allows them to pull shit like throwing millions of people into war to die without losing morale of a nation, but in the longer run, they lack the logistycs skills of the Chinese and Japanese. As well as their numbers.

So in the longer run, after China finally beats USA and becomes #1 of geopolitics, Russia won't last long.

racists, slightly Asiatic, with hiv

This post belongs to Jow Forums doesnt it

russians are white and not asiatic.

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And all of these threads should be deleted:
Janny doesn't delete rulebreaking posts.
He only deletes posts which speak poorly about Russia.

How so?

Get out

It's your double digit IQ induced by gène africain showing, Pierre.

>China finally beats USA
Is this Russian culture?

I wish they played League instead of Dota

What the fuck is wrong with Russians on Jow Forums nowadays?

You don't see literally any other nation crying when there is thread about them

It's honestly strange.
You can't discuss Russia on Jow Forums at all, whether positive or negative, without them crying.

You can discuss Russia on Jow Forums.

It is about what impact the Russian culture has on their future.


>This post belongs to Jow Forums doesnt it
It's pretty accurate though. Your war tactics are brutal and just show that your leaders don't give a shit about the average Russian.

Yes, exactly.
It's a cultural critique more than anything.

>after China finally beats USA and becomes #1 of geopolitics
Yeah, that's not going to happen. China's economy will collapse within the next 10 years.

I think those might be Krautchan Russian refugees, they were quite known for their autism.

Maybe it's just their tactics, to derail any thread about Russia and force janny to delete it.

putin's daughter

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that shizo polakk again
soon he will spam his screenshots and delete them again

that schizo, diasporoid, broken-English speaking Russian again.

By the way, I remember you were bragging about posting in the morning as opposed to in the middle of the night.
Now you're the one posting in the middle of the night.
You're unstable.
You're schizophrenic.

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verlasse deutscheland jetzt untermensch.

why does this board attract so many schizos around the world

No i said you guys were posting on an evening(burger time)
anyway that polakk's posts will be delted since he is banevading constantly
come and make me, mutt

Here we go again chink

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>Why does site for weirdos and social outcasts attract schizos
We might never know.

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why should i bother about correct english while shitposting lol

>russia culture
>boring Jow Forums posts
Nothing new

How is any of that related to the point of the thread?

Do you like Tchaikovsky?

Overture 1812 is one of my favorite music pieces.

seething ivan

get out, hohol. Teбe здecь нe paды, cъeби

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i was referring to your claims and assumptions
and also that burger that is on butthurt spree because janny doesnt like him

Almost all threads are deleted

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Well do you think it's normal to jump into a thread about your country and instantly start asking janny to delete it?

Do you see Poles doing this?


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He only just deleted them.
Some of them were up for an hour+.

you are doing god's work
dont listen to that one polakk and polakk diasporid
they hating cause the aint you

Hes obviously doing this because you have been spamming meta related stuff for almost 24 hours and assumed you are that guy trying to instigate another fire

And also, they would not have been deleted unless he saw me linking them in this thread.
They were all active when I linked, and some of them had been active for an hour+.
After a certain length of time, it doesn't matter if you delete it or not.

I'm not a janny
>He only just deleted them.
Yeah yeah

Even the weakest civilian is a war soldier. The only thing i hate is that they are natural born commies.

at least hes doing his job, unlike other jannys
be grateful for that