>People Guess Who is White In a Group of Strangers

what the fuck americans

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Seeing some blonde chick who looks 99% white say she isn't because she's actually native american makes me think that America might actually be sick.

Aussiss litterally do the same thing tho

You people do the same thing all the time though.

lul that channel look like it can give me aids by watching

You can tell when someone is 10% abo, trust me.


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being aboriginal has nothing to do with genetics or ancestry though, its just about being accepted into a tribe

Same thing here in america actually

My man at 3:10 got called a mutt

actually keked at that part

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this makes me cringe

One thing I hate is how stupid they are. How can you have the best universities and companies, but so many idiots. I guess the idiot is the best consumer.

Just from their fashion, I can telll you that average Americans don't act or look like them.

white skin =/= white race

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These people that work at social media firms are not educated. They look like this

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I watched the video, they weren't stupid. There was just some confusions about race because defenitions of race are kinda not logical

what if he browses Jow Forums?

The guy on the left is a yale graduate. He has a very very cute wife. The guy on the right is super annoying tho

Why are they all so ugly?

The tall guy at 10:40 has such shitty posture because it's awkward being taller than everyone. Lanklets blown the fuck out.

obsessed coper

oh wow, how did the Jewiest Jew Jewbacca get into Yale? hmmmmmmmmmmmm

how do they advertise for so many dios mios?

> Classified ads
> Wants: persons of mixed ethnicity, can possibly pass for white. Job is to be humiliated on a Youtube video as people try to guess your ethnicity

half white half hawaiian dude looks good no homo

americans are not white and neither are my teeth

Is that Shithead???


only 2 of them identify as white

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Americans use the terms race, ethnicity and nationality interchangeably.

>most people assume I'm white until I speak Spanish people are blown away
Haha yikes, imagine getting your language cucked this hard

I didn't say white skin, I said white, next time I'll just say western european.

in terms of our laws they are different things but treated the same

>those two light skin guys that have black moms
i guess black people are like 10% white anyway but that's nuts

Western Europeans aren't wh*te.

>black chick laughs at dyke and apologizes
