Why is cryto so full of losers...

why is cryto so full of losers? I work in private equity and none of my friends in hedge funds or management positions own any of this stupid monopoly money, we talk about stocks and options instead. But it seems to be only a bunch of loser neets that seem to fall for this stupid ponzi.

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Proof we are the early adopters

>stocks and options
boomer detected

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Go back to plebbit




That's not what I hear on the grapevine. You got anecdotal blog updates?

sure thing

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Cool tale OP! Sorry you, and apparently your boyos think as progressively as aboriginies. It's not going to take over the world...but if you are not diversifying something into cryptopesos, you are pretty much a retard.

Look at this fag's colors. Can't even argument.

Ummm, wait. My color tho

>Stocks and options
Yeah that 6% a year must be fucking amazing brah

i easily make 30%/year holding tech stocks and 10-20x trading options

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why aren't you diversifying into beanie babies and penny stocks?

Tech stocks are overvalued at, and will hit hardest in the upcoming crash. Buy FANG after the crash is a good idea.

You privileged retards should know that common people can’t take a slice out of debit-financed billion dollar deals that PE funds routinely do. So normies in retail stock market with current CAPE ratio are fucked. Only option remaining is crypto, which also a good avenue for alternate investment besides GLD and selected commodities.

tech stocks are fairly valued as they are the spiritual successor to the massive trading companies like the dutch east india companies of the past. They should be able to 10x from now in the next 5 years or so.

Cheap leverage is pretty dope, IB Margin is what 2%? Anyone with 10k can access it. You are just a dogmatic believer in crypto

PE and VC usually gets sweet valuations to have 2x/5x/10x/50x. These kind of gains are not possible in retail stock markets unless you’ve picked FANG at appropriate times. Crypto is the only avenue available for retail investors to achieve those kinds of gains. Accredited Investors and PE funds with boomer money — please — GTFO

private equity is dead
golden age of quantitative easing and banks printing out money is over

Is that it?! lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao

That sureness reminds me of my trading strategy.

Sounds like you work at a Quant hedge fund, not in a PE/VC fund.

200% This.

personal book, not my job, bud

Why do all of these stupid nerds have so much interest in the internet? It doesn't even have a practical use, it's just a way for them to waste time being nerds. What a bunch of retards.

the lesson of the internet was that when consumer facing things are involved last movers won, amazon wasn't the first ecommerce company, google wasn't the first search engine, facebook wasnt the first social network. SO nothing you invest now may have any value because switch cost = zero. Internet adoption was also happening at a rapid pace, crypto has zero adoption.

Few cryptos have another kind of sustainable competitive advantage — “network effect” and a pretty strong one at that (ex. ETH). Yes there are lots of shitcoins !

>all the other wagies at my wagie job said crypto is dumb and stupid
>you retired neets are stupid for buying up monopoly money
your reality is a mess bro.

>having no discernible skill
>counting on magic internet money for your livelihood
>calling other's reality a mess

>Chads thinking the entire internet is social media sites and Google.
>Only wants to flip a quick buck

And by the way, love to see when easy QE money ends and currency devaluation hits, how corporate earnings react other than embracing a multi-year stagflation. This is not the time to play with market micro structures and devise smart trading strategies in stock market. This is the time to honour longer economic cycles and prepare for a “black swan” event and profit for that. My bet is on GLD, few commodities (or mining companies) and selected cryptos to survive through the storm. Good luck !!

>QE ends
>Currency devaluation

Oh we stopped printing money, OMG inflation

how i know you are a retard crypto holder

Is that a house?

one bad week on idex will net you that

Psyops this is? Monday opening bell pump and dump by the master engineers? Do you feel blood in your skin or is it only cold like a reptile?

i think you have some pills to take or something...

>crypto = muh tullips
>crypto = muh monopoly money
this is how I know that nocoiner boomers and normies are retarded brainlet faggots

Because crypto is the only way for losers to play stocks, so even the poorest pajeet can join in.