Best place in the world to do Jow Forums

>high standard of living
>low cost of living
>low taxes
>good climate

Does such a place exist?

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>> reasonable state taxes
>> surrounded by white people
>> affordable housing
>> well run state government

is this a joke?

It has to be.

It does but I'm not telling

youve got it backwards, cost of living needs to be high enough to keep non-whites out.

the only thing bad about them is their relationship with chinese is fucking tense.

Spain. If you can live with mudslimes and africans


Clearly a poor attempt at a joke

Virginia USA

oh and one more thing if y not muslim or indian and philip then all the pussy is your m8.

Iv always thought there must be some really comfy white areas in South America. Argentina/Uruguay specifically.

yes there are. they are building more and more gated communities in the suburbs of Montevideo for rich white people

source: I live there (not in one of those tho, an hour long commute? thats insane)

disclaimer: it's still the third world tho

South Korea, really low taxes on investments. Reasonable rent, high standard of living, hot women

That's interesting. I'm from another(far worse) part of the third world but if I spoke spanish that seems like a nice place to set up shop.


You'll be much better off living in Punta del Este for that.

yeah good luck living there in winter without killing yourself out of loneliness



Chile is beautiful, what are the taxes like? And can I get by without spanish?

