How to make money in the bear market, heres a low cap (900k) with huge potential and hype building

We are currently 50% towards our goal of reaching 1 satoshi. Currently PENG is 0,5 satshis on the Litecoin market on cryptopia and about 900k market cap. Once it reaches 1 satoshi (about 30k usd of sell side left) the BTC pair will be added and there will be a new 1 satoshi coin on cryptopia with high volume. Next stop 3, 5, 8? satoshis? thats 16x from here and PENG will still have a pathetic marketcap.

If you wanna make money in this bear market, read this

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unironically went all in on this. didn't even dump at all today.

i think this could go above 10 sats easy (20x)

Bump, thx op will check it out. Bought CV2 at the absolute bottom before it changed to COLX. Bought 3K was worth 700K couple of month later. If only I sold.

Holy shit

Did the same but sold to early and broke even. How do you not sell at 700k.
But I peng can do the same

I seriously doubt it will x200. It could 2x, eventually 10x.

I was going to buy that but forgot. Jesus

Just bought 100k

I didn't sell because my total earnings were 1.4M and I became greedy as fuck. But on top of that my bittrex account got hacked which distracted me for several days during the ATH.

For example, I also had a COSS bag which went from 3K to 100K but I literally forgot about it because of the hack.

Also, and this is very important, the amount of COLX I had was virtually impossible to sell in the thin orderbook. In retrospect tho I should have done it. Greed is a powerful emotion.

i was going to buy it but cryptopia was down / had closed registrations. seriously fuck my life, what is this gay shit. Then I said fuck this, how am i going to get an account? buy one from some dude on Jow Forums? fuck that.
well fuck ME

As in, I should have just sold pieces of 1M during the rise. But again I was too greedy (I mean a difference of just a few sat can mean >10% on a sell order of 50K...that's a lot of fucking money)

It wasn't on cryptopia it was way way way before it got listed on cryptopia. CV2 switch was in October or smth.

I bought CV2 on Yobit, transfered it to Nova. And then eventually it got listed on Coinsmarkets, the most shady and shitiest exchange ever that did an exit scam and literally destroyed the price of COLX buy selling their stolen assets.

2x will put it at 1 sat and the BTC market will open on cryptopia. A high volume 1 satoshi coin on the btc market has a lot of potential. 200x is unrealistic but 2x will happen.

You could have sold half of it at 80sats, use that money to buy TRTL that was ubdefined. Sell Colx at 135 sats or buy a masternode and convince somefag to buy it. Then sell TRTL when it peaked at 43sats.
I don't think you could have sold Colossus at 135 and still had time to buy TRTL under 1 sat from a group of miners.

There were a lot of opportunities to make money between 2016-18 we had 2 huge bull runs and I'm hoping for a 3rd one next year.

But I personally miss 2015 when everything was more stable and all I did was hunt for the daily 2x and the weekly 10-20x on Poloniex and Bittrex. Poloniex actually had volume.


Attached: hexx.png (945x980, 25K)

Market cap is $286 lol. Not $286k, just $286


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Appears the coinmarketcap listing is inaccurate so works out to under 500k

Are you buying in ltc or doge



Also submited an order

I could have done a lot of stuff. But yes, I also miss 2015 and early 2016. Poloniex used to be the shit. Member those times. It was literally fun, not like this shit we have now.
