Friendly reminder that Vitalik Buterin is pro pedophilia

>"Vitalik Buterin" + "Pedophilia"

Having a good time holding PEDOTHEREUM?

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He is right, though. If you weren't a borderline retarded mutt, you would also understand that jerking off to underage sex doesn't hurt anyone.

>pedo scum detected
>ignoring that demand drives the market and therefore the exploitation of children

so daddy and his uncle raped you, ah?

But pedophiles don't choose to be attracted to the most taboo subject in society. They're no different than any other LGBT(P) person whose rights are being fervently protected nowadays, yet pedosexuals are still the devil.


hes making a so called "argumentum ad turboautismus" argument, usually it summarizes a very fine line of thinking accessible only to the most accomplished of debaters. He's simply the leader we need, but don't deserve.

pedophiles should be executed

hes not wrong

any type of illegalized possession is wrong, its used all the time by the government to plant evidence and blackmail people

you should be executed too

why can't we kill yew instead

>Implying homosexuals are not devil incarnate.
Pedophiles deserve dead, simple as that fuck human rights, you can't toy with the innocence of child that's simply vile.

Its merely an argument for the sake of discussion, it doesn not imply a pro or anti stance towards anything.

>kids fuck as early as 12
>for thousands of years, men would breed girls as soon as they started bleeding
>you can't toy with the innocence of child that's simply vile

alright calm down muhammad, don't you have goats to fuck or something?

You might want to learn what it means first, brainlet. CP sitting on my hard drive is irrelevant to the market forces driving the production. The percentage of pedophiles is barred from growing due to social ostracism anyway. If they don't watch porn they rape your daughter.

>argument ad christcuckus

while all of this is true, you would have to realize that we shouldn't strive to live according to our senses

>kids fuck as early as 12
Only in favelas and the results are very clear.


Kike detected

>muh arbitrarily defined coming of age
Daily reminder that child labor was banned because 30 yo boomers couldn't compete with kids.

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pedophilia is actually allowed in islam. what they don't tell you in the 72 virgins in heaven story is that you also get thousands of young boys to rape. this shit can be read in the hadith shit of islam.

because spirit should rise above matter


not an actual answer

vitalik buterin has child pornography on his laptop and surely on the blockchain. he's and advocate for libtardism and this includes pro-pedophilia shit.

put vitalik on the line. if he does not reply then shut him downthereum.

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> the muslim horde activates itself
i know that white 12 year old maiden pussy is tempting but again there are goats to fuck, places to be

lol hes actually a muzzie

Vitalik isn't wrong

he is. and everything about you too. EVERYTHING.

>can't come up with an argument agains pedophilia that doesn't involve moralfaggotry

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you also can't make arguments against stealing, murder, rape or war without morals

That's literally the basis for any single law.

>losing the argument
>waaaahhhh ebil muslims >:(((((
fuck off you bigoted pieces of shit

so you are also some sort of libtard lgbt subhuman, ah?

Noice fud, just sold 100k.

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> impotent subhuman rage
> initiate identity politics
wouldnt ya know, like fucking clockwork

tipical S.O.Y. reply

16yo is optimal breeding age

Vitalik possesses a gargantuan donkey schlong which glistens when the suns rays glances off its meaty thick shaft just right.

Its a sight to behold my dear fellows.

Vitalik is a creep! Plus the constant delays, I'm getting Theranos vibes from Ethereum


you'll be crying for serial killers next, think of the serial killers they were born that way boo hoo

fucking scum

Americucks are retard as fuck

all pedo's should be gassed

All Americans should be gassed

too humane. I would prefer to dig out big holes and then throw them alive one by one. make those holes so great that you can throw in about 200-300 of these subhuman scums. then add some gas and set them on fire. then close the hole.

subhuman scum

It’s funny to know you try to argue like this irl and everyone thinks you’re retarded. Kek.

This bitch is not advocating for legalizing of any of that. He's just a sheltered autist who thinks possessing a drug is more harmful than the rape of children

Thanks just bought 100k

retarded, its like arguing that simple possession of rhino horns doesn't impose risk to rhinos, its Machiavellian logic.

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americans lmao

Porn subconsciously reinforces these desires. Porn absolutely makes people more depraved, it sullies the mind and like a drug you began to need a higher dose to get off. Look at the correlation to serial killers and porn addiction, porn is terrible for the mind and drives physical desires it does not tame them.

This tbqh

Pedophiles should kill themselves. The LGBT community wants nothing to do with you.


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ted bundy said the same
>it started with porn

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You are creating a market for it though.

Say that to all the little boys who gets fondled by faggots.