Are African countries "capitalist"?

Are African countries "capitalist"?

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Some, but most is under the law of the jungle, with a few alphas fighting over dominance w ak's..

The rest is being exploited by the west elite

>The rest is being exploited by the west elite

Capitalism isn't an ideology like Communism or Fascism or Nat Soc though, Capitalism just describes the natural tendency of capital to accumulate around an upper class, for the obvious reason that it's easier to save and earn more when you're basic needs are met.

It's like asking "is African Countries stratified?" or "is my tennis coach fitness"?

Coca Cola, for example, pays pennies for pounds and pounds of Kola Nuts that get processed and used for the Coca-Colca syrup which when the reatailer buys whole sale they may pay 1 dollar per bottle for - which is insane when you consider it's mostly water. But the people who sold the Kola nuts to Coke probably get less than 1% of the wholesale cost of the bottle for it's essential ingredient. And even they employ virtual slave labor to farm those nuts.

Look up the 'Smile Curve' - Coke did a great job of marketing this drink that literally anyone can make since it's Kola Nuts, Fructose Syrup, coloring and largely Water, so they keep most of the $$$

>Coca Cola, for example, pays pennies for pounds and pounds of Kola Nuts
Isn't that down to poor bargaining skills on the part of Africans?

They dont have le enrage to bargain with. That's how it works I'm general though.


Fuck niggers LOL

Lack of leverage
Same shit they're experiencing with cobalt in Congo. They could have the entire world by the balls, but instead they slave away for $0.5/day. Scary prospects , however of they do ever get organized I'm sure us/China will introduce some instability

Thank you for your enormous contribution to this thread now fuck off back to pol

>if the nigs ever get organized

they havent even come up with a written history, the wheel or two-story buildings before the white man set foot onto this shithole of a continent. wouldn't hold my breath user these niggers are never gonna get their act together and if it wasn't for western medicine/gibs half of the continent would just starve to death. they cant even sustain their own population let alone run an industrial society or compete in the global market place.
>tl;dr nigs gonna nog

>they don't have leverage
Wait, I thought they were the ones selling the Kola nuts?

Nigger detected LOL

There's not all one collective... don't you know anything about markets?

>There's not all one collective...
Not sure what you mean.

Africa is corrupt, self serving, lazy and extremely violent. "Wrong think" is met with extreme violence blacks who try to improve themselves are beaten by locals out of jealousy and other reasons. They will be your friend for years but they will never ever be your friend if a random person of their race is mad at you for the slightest of reasons. They will always stick to their race even if they know their race is wrong.

They think on a completely different level than me and you an example. Blacks literally kill other blacks who do not participate in strikes because they feel that they are working for more money by striking and the black person who still goes to work is stealing from the people who strike.

Another example: Blacks who were fed up with shitty service from the local police station decided to burn down the police station because they want better service.

They love bureaucracy and titles. They will purposefully pretend not to understand you or that your request cannot be processed then after an hour they will help you, this is how they only work by serving 5-6 people a day. They love taking advantage of rules to get out of work. They will literally treat you like shit up until you present them with $5 under the table then they act like you are their best friend.

Don't think this is limited to whites in Africa, if you come from a different black tribe they will do anything in their "power" to make sure you are as uncomfortable as possible. Nurses will even refuse people from another tribe pain medicine or the police will harass foreign workers into giving up all their money they earned and just keep it to themselves.

Government functionaries do not respect the citizens at all, they will drive you off the road or put their bodyguards on you for inconveniencing them.

Wealth never really concentrates one head honcho makes it then after he isn't head honcho anymore his descendants are poor again.

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The only functioning African country with a capitalist system is Rwanda. Paul Kagame is actually doing a really good job of restructuring the country and setting it up to join the second-world or highest tier of the third world in coming years. Namibia and Botswana are also doing quite well in their own right and have embraced capitalism, but the best example of capitalism turning an african country around >POST INDEPENDENCE, BY BLACKS< would be rwanda.

Meanwhile my country is simmering in utter shite because our leaders are the most corrupt in the world, and I hate them with a passion.

t. white zimbabwean

Attached: Kagame.jpg (968x681, 99K)

They might raw materials but nothing else. They can't turn it into coca cola to make fat stacks and no one else is giving them a better offer. Something is only worth what people will pay for.

So why exactly aren't they getting fair prices for their raw materials?

Relax dude, china's got this in the bag. Africa will be Asia lite in a hundred years.

kind of have to agree with this
Rwanda really is picking up its pace and is probably the only african country that isn't a shithole

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there could have been another


Attached: Rhodesia.png (600x523, 160K)

A small sum of money.

As opposed to a large sum because no one will give it to them. Latin America had / has a similar situation with the U.S. its a pretty dangerous trade strategy to solely rely on exporting raw materials since droughts / famines / natural disasters will wreck you but they fell for the globalization meme. Good for western corporations though and western consumers who like cheap goods.

>As opposed to a large sum because no one will give it to them.
Again, isn't that down to their bargaining skills?

Couldn't that also be viewed as the western buyers being way over priced?

Oh you said why.

Why would a corporation intentionally want to give them more money? at economies of scale every penny per unit of raw material leads to substantially more gains.

All of that said, if MDC wins the elections in Zimbabwe later this month, you should be tripping over yourself whilst running to invest in the country, because everything would change.

The sooner we can rid the country of ZANU filth, the better. A nice anti-corruption sting and the help of the military will be a great way to get the country back on track. there is so much value there if someone competent was running all of it.

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Sure, that's absolutely one component. But exporting raw goods is a massive part of their economy.

If they tried to act smart and demanded more, they could blow up the whole deal. Another perspective: could anyone actually negotiate a better deal for them on their behalf? How would they do it?

>brown ip
oh no no no no

Are they allowing whites back in Zimbabwe again? Also why on earth would you return?

>If they tried to act smart and demanded more, they could blow up the whole deal.
Well that just sounds like they're getting whatever the market is willing to pay for them.

>could anyone actually negotiate a better deal for them on their behalf?
Seems like a bad idea to me.
Not only does it imply that they can't run things themselves, but you'll also get accusations of neo-colonism very soon.

>Are they allowing whites back in Zimbabwe again?
In limited numbers yes
>Also why on earth would you return?
Because it's my home? My family, until my generation, has lived in Matabeleland since 1910.

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Hope dies last.

Yeah but Rhodesians Never Die

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All the Rhodesians I have met have been top lads, I just don't get how you could have lived in Africa for a very long time and still have hope for the natives to turn things around.

Part bargaining, part access to market. Colonialism meant that you could buy something cheap and sell it back home for a hefty profit, amongst other things.

The general thought with blockchain tech is that small producers (like African farmers) will be able to find and better track demand for their goods. Effectively westerners are the centralized evil middleman that DLT wants to eradicate.

>Colonialism meant that you could buy something cheap and sell it back home for a hefty profit, amongst other things.
Well that's a while ago.