Why does Chile have so little cultural influence...

Why does Chile have so little cultural influence? It's a stable and (relatively) wealthy country with lots of varied geography. Shouldn't this be the California of South America?

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They are more like the canada of south america

Pretty much, yeah

We always have been irrelevant, in the colonial times, even before that too, our natives were very primitives.

So where is their William Shatner, Mylène Farmer, and Celine Dion?

>California of South America
you mean texas?

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if they were bigger they would rule the continent


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the average chilean has a very low self-esteem, no one looks pretty at chile because they always compare idolatran the quality of life in Europe or in the United States, but to be honest, the only problem with chile are the poor people and the poor north.

you just described a poorfag in chile

I live in California and hate the weather. Chile is much colder than this state.and another curious fact, usually in Chile no one eats beans or aji (chili)

>mustard is spicy in chile kek

their artists come to mexico to gain continental popularity

Yeah, the chilean market it's just too small.

Why does Chile work so hard to keep out Peruvians and Bolivians if it could use more people?

We don't try to keep them out. We try to keep criminals and Haitians out

wena nido

so true

Who cares about cultural influence

we are only 18 million, no 3rd world country with that population can have real cultural influence

They rule Mendoza and Cuyo region, check the awful 50% argie + 50% chilean accent

They have a pretty good movie industry.


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Hong Kong last century.

No gibs tho

it wasnt really relevant until it got rich, and even then any relevance it had was due to being a colony (an english speaking one too, which is another bonus)

Says Fookin Who?

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California is the most populous American state so comparing it to Chile is stupid af. And varied geography doesn't mean anything.

not 3rd world, having an important athlete is not cultural influence and they have the english-speaking bonus

Ireland was a force even when it was poor.

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literal who
probably only well known among english countries because he wrote in english

Most properly socially adjusted people.

>Ireland was a force

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That scene is from a film where America kicked you arrogant English asses.

Quit pissing on Ireland. Y'all are all Britannia.

What movie?

wow based

also true

>mfw white american culture is shit

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the patriot

>no cultural influence

In terms of democracy, everyone here looks up to Chile


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Well I listen to Violeta Parra and Victor Jara they are nice

They don't but in the subconscious mind everybody still remembers the War of the Pacific.

Interesting for the democracy part, but culturally also? I;m just a bit confused because of this quote that I remember reading.
"El chileno racialmente quiere ser argentino y culturalmente peruano"
Could it be because of the Inca influence alongside other factors such as battling for pisco, the war, and the Huáscar?


>battling for pisco
I'm tired of this meme, chilean pisco and peruvian pisco are two different things, they only share the name and almost no one cares about it

But part of the battle is the naming rights, therefore people care!

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People don't care, the ones that care are the producers

But the producers ARE people! Therefore people care! Or have you been hiding demigod alcohol producers from the rest of the world?

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>producers ARE people
No, they are not

user, we're gonna need to talk to your demig- I mean "people"...It's in the public's best interests.

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>american education
That was 40 years ago mutt

>El chileno quiere ser racialmente argentino y culturalmente peruano
Cringe, that’s something Peruvians say to feel better about themselves

your not doing a good job

t. attacked by a hatian's dog in Santiago

Why would Haitians be going all the way down to Chile?

It's from the author Isabel Allende. Born in Peru because her dad was a diplomat and lived there for only four years and has Chilean citizenship, and her pop was the cousin to Salvador Allende. I much prefer Gabriel's novels desu.

It's not from Isabel Allende, although she said that she agrees with the quote

People in Haiti promise them jobs and housing here in exchange for money, so the dumb haitians come and get nothing but abuse

Fug, thanks for the info user. Could have sworn the quote was from an earlier period also but I can't find the person when I googled it. Maybe it's just one of those cringe sayings that goes around but what do I know.

The peruvian higher class always looked down on our higher class because it's seen like a bunch of farming plebs, and they have nobility amongst them. Besides, the peruvian higher class was historically better educated than ours

How does one even end up with a country this shape?

It looks like Chile's sole purpose was to cuck Argentina and Bolivia out of coastline. It's hilarious.

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>james joyce
>literal who
That other guy is retarded, but joyce was one of the most influential authors of his day (and all of modern literature desu).
Don't be as ignorant as Americans pls.

Not like there is an enormous mountain range or anything. Most countries borders are based on geographical landmarks, not just boxes drawn on a map like our states.

Not him, but here he is not studied in school, probably in university if you study literature

The summary of it is this.
People died.
Peru was occupied
Chile got some clay
And a loss for Chile that you can't help but just feel sad for.
They lost the clay that connected them to the sea and for 100+ years to this day they have a Navy of around 5000 personnel trying to keep their naval traditions alive. Uruguay can access the sea through their river channels but Bolivia is the only landlocked country in the region that still waits and pines for their return to the sea It's like Ace Combat but with the sea.


We drew squares over the rockies dude. Anyone can do it.

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He isn't studied here outside of universities either. He's an authors author, but wildly influential and important.


>Besides, the peruvian higher class was historically better educated than ours

>Viceroyalty of Peru
Let that sink in and think about it, user.

I'll read into it. Now that I think about it, there's a pretty big gap in my knowledge of South America; I'm pretty sure I even know the history of some African and Central Asian countries more than it.

At any rate rock on Chile, you big ole strip of coastline!

Our cultural influence is very small and limited to Latin America. Of course you Americans and Europeans have never heard of 31 minutos, Condorito, los Jaibas, etc., but somebody from, let's say, Mexico or Argentina, likely has.

Condorito is pretty based

Is this the power of Chilean humor?

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>They lost the clay that connected them to the sea and for 100+ years to this day they have a Navy of around 5000 personnel trying to keep their naval traditions alive

Well, then we had Neruda and Gabriela Mistral in poetry, both nobel winners.
And if you like movies or bat-shit insane people, theres Jodorowsky.

No we don't. Argentinian or brazilian movie industry shits all over ours.

It is.

El derecho de vivir(not for those Trotskyists tho)
poeta Ho Chi Minh,
que golpea de Vietnam
a toda la humanidad.


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Mon Laferte is Chilean!

pero quiere ser mexicana

Argentinian yeah, but Brazil? not really

Natalia lafourcade is half Chilean.


stupid meme. it was the other way around, chile could've had a proper atlantic coast but argentina took it

Didn't know Condorito was Chilean. Nice to know

>argentina took it
You make it sound like your ancestors fought for it you little shit, backstabbing traitors

>You make it sound like your ancestors fought for it
no i didn't, retard. a treaty between our two countries was made, noone "fought" for the patagonia (which didn't belong to either country) until it was annexed

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Chile is pretty much the handbook manual for the "How to go from dictatorship to stable democracy without crumbling, stalling, or turning back"

I kind of overreacted to be honest

1. Most countries kept some resemblance with their pre-independence borders, and Chile was a Capitanía, with some degree of independence from the Vicerroys, occupying roughly what would become modern Chile
2. The biggest mountains in both the southern and western hemisphere are right between both of us.

Only cancerous content and media achieves permeation into other countries nowadays. The world has evolved to mostly consume easily digestible trash. The trash consuming majority has regional preferences and doesn't bother to consume anything outside of their preferred media provenance. Chile seems unable to tap into this flow of shit and stay relevant for some reason, and for their own good it should stay that way.

Reputation is what really matters and they have probably the best one in Latin America.
Aside from their atrocious colloquial Spanish and their boring normal accent (my opinion, nigger don't (You) me on this), it's a great country and people on all aspects.

Come down anytime you want friendo

I find difficult for us to have cultural influence, we are a young country and only recently people started saying we are "wealthy". Probably in a few decades, if things go well for us, we'll manage to have more influence, considering all the cultural achievements some musicians, actors and directors have made in the last years.

>Aside from their atrocious colloquial Spanish
>Puelto lican flag

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Just torture some lefies, persecute dissidents and make a FUCKING TERRORIST ATTACK ON WASHINGTON

Then ya good to go

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Just because Puerto Rican spanish is also bad doesn't mean that he is wrong


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Not saying bad or questionable shit didn't happen, just that society didn't have a 2 decades long stroke, identity crisis and crumbling institutions like we've had

damn she's gonna get BEAN'D down there, lucky bastards

fair enough, peace be upon you fellow svdconer

That was on 2018, so now she already gave birth to a spic baby

Unironically chilean humor is the best in all Latin America...

Even random guys on vydia are hilarious and cool.

come on now