How come wages are so low in germany?

how come wages are so low in germany?

minimum wage 8,50€.

most people dont make 24k€ a year after taxes.

half of it goes to rent.

here i read of you burgers making 70k$ a year. wtf son. is the cost of living more expensive? a 3 room appartment costs 400k€ in any big german city ffs

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Lol get dicked germany USA USA USA

Evidently you don't realize you are paying to subsidize "refugees"

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But your free healthcare and schools! Surely that counts for something...

Burger here. I make over $200k a year. Thanks for the cars and good techno music. I appreciate you poorfags I really do.

>here i read of you burgers making 70k$ a year. wtf son

It's called LARP, this is a wage of someone with masters degree.

Enjoy paying 200k incase you ever need a surgery

schools are fine, healthcare is A1 but that doesnt help when you get mental depression when you literally just live to work.

>is the cost of living more expensive?
Yes, by a mile. Also you aren't servicing huge amounts of sovereign or student loan debt.

It isn’t A1. The propaganda makes you think it is but the truth is for those of us in the states with good enough jobs to get insured, ours is significantly better in the US.

capitalism > socialism

>he thinks anyone making $200k/yr doesn’t have excellent insurance in the US.

Eurofags when will they learn.

>pay out the ass for top notch and fast healthcare
>die while waiting for socialized healthcare
These are your choices. If you can implement something better then you've got quite the market to cater to.

I unironically make 135. Granted I live in NYC but big salaries in the US are significantly more common than the European media would have you believe. Look at the GDP per capital charts between the US and the EU for the past 30 years. We are separating from you. You’re gonna have to get rid of that welfare state. The sooner the better.


so what about those people who cant afford it? should they die? the worst bum here can get the most exotic and exsensive sort of cancer and hes gucci.

Here in the Netherlands if you get paid 3k BEFORE taxes, your boss is paying an additional 1,8k in taxes before you pay taxes.

i read an article about a girl who fell on train station and rekt her leg, people rushed to her and wanted to call an ambulance. she begged everyone not to because she cant afford it aylmao

Also in pensions and insurances and what not. If we had none of that you'd get paid 4,8k.

If you make 24k after taxes and half of it is needed to pay for the rent, you are either in the most expensive areas or your apartment is way too big.
Stagnant wage development however is a problem here, yes.

Earn low wage and feel threatened by a minority instead of wanting to tax the high-income brackets or heirs more or get rid of the cold progression so you have more money... no, lets get rid of the musels first because of "muh culture".

Just think about it: I earn about 29k after taxes this year and I pay 300€ in taxes per month, not counting what I get back after I file my tax returns.

But yeah, stick to the "muh culture" - meme, continue to live miserable and leave me be with my low taxes.

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We have a lower standard of living then you and take home smaller wages.

Don't ask on here use fucking google you ingrate.

In my rural town the average 500sqft no bedroom studio cost $950 a month to rent and 55% of the county makes less then 35k a year.

I agree with you OP.
Inflation went up but wages didnt.
Also the avrg german is renting instead of mortgaging.
The avrg german just holds their wealth on a bank account instead of investing.
Tje avrg german has a car (bad idea).

>master degrees (IT and Finance)
>and still 24k gross (and no I don't work for McD)

Simply no. I almost had twice that amount after I finished my bachelors in finance and know of no one who sold his time for less than 39k gross income per year.
Stop dwelling in rural schleswig holstein, come to baden württemberg and live a comfy, luxurious life.

>Earn low wage and feel threatened by a minority instead of wanting to tax the high-income brackets or heirs more or get rid of the cold progression so you have more money... no, lets get rid of the musels first because of "muh culture".

This is some dumb shit

The only reason you need to remove kebab is because things are better without kebab

The impetus for allowing this to happen was mere virtue signalling. These muzzies were perfectly safe in Turkey.

The average german is diluting his political capital for patently self-defeating reasons

>t. loser poorfag
If you have any type of stem or CS degree you're making $70k right out of college with a bachelor. Sorry you got a history degree

My company also pays 100% of my health insurance premium. The most I would eat is the $1k copay.

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>If you have any type of stem
STEM is a meme. I know of not a single graduate with a degree lesser than a phd who earned more than I did with an undergrad degree in finance.

Cool, stay mad and poor.
You cucked yourself more than anyone else could.

>Hurr tax le rich more
>What is a laffer curve

You just figured out why we are an "export nation" and our industry is doing so well.
They can pay us jack shit and sell the stuff in other countries where people actually have money.

>What is a laffer curve
It is an economic theory, of which the two extremes (0% and 100% taxes) are sure to be true, but anything in between is impossible to quantify and therefore not viable to hold up any rational argument for or against your or my statement.

Contrary to most anons, I actually have a degree in this shit and understand it better than your average youtube-"do you know"-retard yiou got this shit from.

so should i buy the dax and not memecoins?

Dax > memecoins.
But spanish government bonds > dax, as we will see hardships on the market in the next years.

Would you really buy DAX at this point? Seems horribly overvalued and prolly crashing soon.

>Would you really buy DAX at this point?

>But spanish government bonds > dax

DAX is comming in heavy water in the next year.

in Europe EVERYONE gets free health care that even covers the most expensive shit (surgery, cancer, etc).

Not just the 1% that earns 100k+ per year, like in burgerland. Stop defending your third world country.

“(Why) America’s Collapsing at Light Speed”

eand .co/why-americas-collapsing-at-light-speed-da304156dff0

There are taxes your employee has to pay on every worker that are not shown in your "Brutto" amount, it's usually 25-33%. Obviously in reality it comes out of the workers pockets, because the employee only cares how much money a worker costs for him, he doesn't care how much of it is taxes or goes to him.
So if someone makes about 24k€ netto a year they usually in reality earn about 40k€ a year.

Now there is a 20% tax on most goods, so you lose another 20% of the remaining 24k.
And rent/real estate is so expensive, because of the central bank keeping interest rates ridicolously low (to prevent countries from going broke now) and printing a shitton of Euros. (The circulation of € expands by ~10% a year!, so true inflation is actually ~10%.)

Some numbers might be slightly off since I am Austrian, but overall there is no big difference.
Also remember that the USA has a stronger economy, is much less regulated (at least in most states) and people there also work much harder on average.

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and it fucking sucks

>nigger from deepest african shithole just comes here and gets the treatment for free
>I have to wait til doc is finished healing niggers while slowl croaking in the waiting room
>have to pay a minimum of 180€ health insurance/month for this shit
>If I don‘t pay its going straight into debt because health insurance is MANDATORY

What a gay system
Deutschland verrecke endlich

My linkies are gone WAAAAAAAAAA

Tfw gey payed a lot and good healthcare in Norway... thx oil.

holy fuck my chainlink tokens are gone?????

You wouldn’t have the free money for health care and other social services if Americans weren’t securing your borders and providing other forms of service through the military.

I pitty all y'all fags.
EEU here.
Managed to make a fast 1MM Eurobucks thanks to them EU financed programs-good shit.
Now I make 100k Eurobucks pa from passive income. And since I am quite modest I spend max €30k pa and reinvest the rest. Mostly in stocks b/c I got lazy af.
So my point is that if you get raped in your western civilized country, don't be sad, think of me.
And don't get me wrong, I am greatfull to all you guys.

Yeah fuck you to whoever is praising socialisted healthcare in this thread.
My girlfriend has multiple sclerosis so I did spend a lot of times in hospitals and it is horrible.
Treatment is poor, doctors are completely overworked and waiting times are insane. 4-5 hours at the emergency room is nothing unusual.

Waiting times for MRIs is ~2 months, unless you are currently in a hospital bad. Which is why my gf had to stay multiple times in a hospital bed for a week just so she could get an MRI asap.

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you sound like a trump shill. burgers cant even secure their own borders thats why you have infinite goblins invading you the fuck you talking user

Fuck your disabled retard gf, I don‘t want to pay for YOUR shit.

>here i read of you burgers making 70k$ a year. wtf son

That is not an average wage at all in the US.

And I don't want anyone else to pay for her!
I made nothing but libertarian statements, you clearly did not get my point.

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I‘m sorry I read only half of it and misunderstood.

Enjoy living in an Islamic caliphate in the next 20 years.