Culture Pals - /cp/

"Crashing this plane with no survivors"-Macchi edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia (ew), China (yawn), and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss Argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by Turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share QTs with the Taliban? Want to banter koreaboos?

>Sign up at:

>Website with pastas and scripts:

>Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

>Script: (embed) (embed)


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Other urls found in this thread:


but why though


macchi is 2 kawaii to crash planes

get fuck'd shill

>the no anime gf to fly planes with

See Y'all on the other side pals.
It has been fun.
Take care :)


How’s the lifts

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Got 3pl8 on the deadlift a couple of nights ago

requesting big tiddy slavic grill

Rate my account

wtf ur a total chad


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Making some fried cod and flounder for dinner

Used to get 20-30 views a week but now I only get 2 or 3 a week. Haven't changed anything on my profile. Is it algorithm or are qts leaving this website in droves?

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Update something on your profile to gain views

I don't have any more pics of Clayton saved and Google doesn't have any I can use.

Just made some orange chicken and rice.

I like to play 10 or less, get a qts WhatsApp in 10 messages or less

Fuck insomnia lads

Fucking hell, how can anyone even compete?

they're expecting one of us in the wreckage brother

Two threads in a row in honor of macchi.
Quite a popular pal

Of course, he's a good guy for a cuck but still a stand up dude. Would fly with him any day

I hope I can get to two plate by April

made my profile but i realized i hate talking to people. Fuck .

hapa swiss

What are you listening to right now?

I prefer this one

/tv/ memes are the best

They're not, but baneposting is the best meme ever,

I need someone to finish the lyrics and sing this for us

/cp/ Star—

“Somebody once told me that Kate was gonna troll me
I ain't the sharpest tool on the site
She was talking kind of dumb with fear of Donald Trump while she's spouting feminazi bullshit..

Well, the trolls start coming and they don't stop coming
Fuck the rules I hit the keyboard typing
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to do, so many to troll
So what's wrong with taking the fake life? You'll never know if you don't go troll
You'll never shine if you don't go

Hey, now, you're a Culture Pal, get logged on, go play
Hey, now, you're a Korean fake, get the troll on, get laid
And all that kpop is gold
Only Koreaboos take the baaait

It's funny and they say it gets funnier
You're a fake profile now wait 'til they start posting
But then some anons beg to differ
Judging by the cucking that happened to the Quebec nigger.

Hey, now, you're a Culture Pal, get logged on, go play
Hey, now, you're a Korean fake, get the troll on, get laid
And all that kpop is gold
Only Koreaboos take the baaait

This thread we post is getting thin
The trolling is good so you might jump in
My inbox is full . How about yours?
That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored.

Chorus: 2x]
Hey, now, you're a Culture Pal, get logged on, go play
Hey, now, you're a Korean fake, get the troll on, get laid
And all that kpop is gold
Only Koreaboos take the baaait

So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with trolling the femanizs
You'll never know if you don't post
You'll never roll if you don't troll.


dAnd all that kpop is gold
We are all living one big cuckold......

Man, sorry to break it to ya, but this shit blows because the rhyme sucks.

/o/ wrecked /tv/‘s version

Then fix it

I'd beg to differ.

Like I have time to waste on shit like that. Do it yourself and don't fuck up the second time around.

That was some Jow Forumstard righ?

Jesus is the definitive /tv/ bro, don't insult him like that.

Oh. Well. Where is your based Spanish qt?

Start at 1:30

I'd rather not, but thanks. I think I'm gonna give sleeping another try and if it won't work this time around I'm probably going to come here to bitch some more. Night,


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Fuck it, 3:20 here and I was going to get up at 4 am anyway, so might as well start the day early and make scrambled eggs for breakfast while I watch LAL.

I'm listening to the Deb of Night at the moment, gonna check this out once I'm done with that.

oh shit this is I'm the boss guy, haven't seen his shit in a decade.

Lol yeah

>learning Russian
>have fugged 0 Russian qts
Gotta step up my game

I know he was in some shitty sitcom, Brooklyn 99 or what was it with that Old Spice guy?

I’m not sure, but he’s been in a lot of shit desu

I wouldn't know, I only saw him in that flick with Adam Sandler that I watched with a friend. But hey, if he's still working and making good dime, then great for him.

That should be easy tho. Message tons of them and say you wanna visit Russia

Meets usually have sex written all over them, right?

Not always, but it can happen

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toiling ;_;

>no views this week

That's what I've been doing man
"haha I can show you around Chernoshelmasynoarskburgkev with my boyfriend))))"

>have a nice life

thought it was just a meme, but I've listened to their albums and I'm hooked. Also you might try scripting, might get you views

watching the nba nowadays is fucking depressing over how lame the game has gotten

If you like Deathconsciousness, you might like The Unnatural World! People shit all over it but it's a decent follow up.

now that's what I call serious autism

>The Unnatural World

yea, I've listened to it. the first time I just forgot everything I was doing, it was a good experience.

it's just fucking sad how bad it is

I've seen a lot of cringe things on this board but that has got to be one of the cringiest.

like with most things in life, this cringe would probably be fixed by lifting.

and swimming!

>tfw no 1st world gf yet
you know who you are, leave.

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What music do you listen to while lifting, /cp/?

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i don't lift but i like to listen to this when I'm running

Yes it 100% means that unless you're Macchi lmao

>watching niggerball

Give me a rundown on macchi, why is he such a dork?

Ask him yourself, he'll blog about it and tell you all about how he cucked himself put of easy sexy with an Italian girl

it really does run in their blood

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You're right, can't stand the fucking meme chucking it turned into.

You're currently here and he's not, so just give me the 4 or 5 fucking memearrows depicting what a sperg he is and be done with it.

best poet :3

>not wanting a successful business man

He went to Italy to meet his qt. They can only meet one day or something like that and he spergs out while meeting her. They continue talking. She eventually finds some other guy and he gets cucked. I'm sure he'll post his story again later to clarify but this is the jist of it all. He now has a French qt

Never could get into watching the sport, always liked playing it though for fun with friends but watching a bunch of biggers play with a ball is gay, boring and stupid

Already fuck it im going to make an account, how many pictures do I need and what do I need to write on my profile?

just be yourself

bost profile

goodnight /cp/

Noches palmigo

Quality pasta
I guess they're seeing that Hi doesn't work.

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if you guys only believed me when I said most people wont even talk to me there. most girls I talk to will only talk to korean guys. I have a hard time getting any remotely cute girl to talk period

Oh boy

Wtf based!
