Pedro Proença, average portuguese

Pedro Proença, average portuguese

Attached: 0313.JUNIO2014_BRASIL2014_Pedro-Proenca.jpg (393x393, 76K)

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not what i would call the average look, but he is native
atlanto med

Attached: pedroproença_201507301-e147784004-68670.jpg (1875x800, 166K)

Average is probably this

Attached: p_sousa_portgl0.jpg (320x320, 30K)

or this

Attached: moutinho_portugal200px-Mex-por-107_(1cropped1).jpg (200x318, 19K)


why are spics and macacos so obsessed with calling spain and portugal nonwhite?

Inferiority complex, they don´t want to be alone in their mixed condition.

They like to drag us down to their level (of whiteness)

misery loves company

why is he so swarthy? aren't portuguese supposed to be white?

No, the only whites in Portugal are immigrants

kek, exactly how these said:

Attached: v1104_Conqueror1_port12_94w6202b40c10022.png (599x594, 19K)

The only ones who want to be white are the portugueses, I don't know why you hate yourself



Attached: portugal_1_2-me_23_andme_1res2dna_b1m011o01100c25-4.png (732x643, 25K)

sudaca btfo

post skin and eyes

>92.8 southern european
That just prove that you aren't white

yes south american mongrels will teach europeans what we are and what white means, a term created by us,what's gonna be next?

Attached: pca-55-411-dna_00_westen_1xis661vSomal0m76x2500v7v218__1022-111.jpg (4000x4000, 1020K)

belo homem



Attached: William Carvalho.jpg (428x599, 71K)

>Portugal alongside Spaniards and Italians
I don't see your point, yes, portugal is european and also non-white

spain are the original spics you dumb murrishit

yes we are not a term we own created to classify us ahah

Attached: atonsu_et_do_white_term10-09b60-600e1209.png (1370x574, 121K)

This man is portuguese, who the fuck said he is not white?

>calling spain and portugal nonwhite?
because they fall for the bait every time

Actually, he didn't call them non-white. It's you that interpreted it that way. What makes you associate spain and portugal with non-whites?

Of course, when you only ever allow the whites to emigrate while keeping the moors stranded in Iberia, the colonists gonna be white.

Attached: bloodpurity.png (1120x172, 17K)

average mexican

Attached: TaAFfNO.png (1000x607, 977K)

yes taht's why iberians are related to moors: rotfl

post face

>92.8% Southern European

Attached: genemap4.jpg (821x492, 136K)

Could.... this... possibly be the average portuguese male?

Attached: average portuguese male.jpg (640x480, 73K)

That guy is obviously not portuguese.
these are..

Attached: portugal-wl-RugteyouChamp0.jpg (670x423, 56K)


There is no average Portuguese.
Nova Portugalidade is making sure of that.
Não te esqueças de votar no Bloco de Esquerda, para que recebas mais gibs em troca de reverter o (pouco) progresso económico feito até agora!

I got his pic from an anthroforum though. He IS indeed Portuguese

he is not. and if that was a bet i would win 100%

how come portuguese never post non-over exposed photos of themselves?

Notice everyone how only the guys in the direct sunlight look light skinned. The ones in the shadow look significantly darker.

Attached: 1518917214346.png (328x273, 168K)


Attached: brazil_uhueheuehup00093q15-.jpg (480x360, 52K)

shitskins from the the americas fucked

His phenotype is very common among Portuguese

Attached: roberto jorge british.png (434x387, 266K)

moor rape babies

Attached: ruibosta.jpg (250x381, 14K)

Say what you want, but Portuguese men are alpha as fuck, like this fine example right here.

Attached: slaythatpussy.jpg (634x506, 33K)

Looks like a Paki rapist

Now that's an unacceptable accusation!!! What makes you think that!!!!

Attached: alphaasfuck.jpg (615x409, 25K)

Not at all.

This guy: is obviously not native portuguese

Attached: portuguese_army82v212w1.jpg (960x637, 87K)

He's more native than the examples you're posting.

What's up with the giant noses? Are these (((new christian))) descendants?

Do you guys realize how much time you waste with these threads?Don't you have anything else to do like playing video games,watching videos,doing work?

Being in this site at all is already a waste.

Yes the burger mutt that lives 5000 km away knows more about portugal than we. check