Why do first worlders believe that Anons in Jow Forums from developing countries are white...

Why do first worlders believe that Anons in Jow Forums from developing countries are white, rich and part of the local elites?
Most of us are normal middle class citizens that just happen to speak English.

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Because they're deluded.

because I refuse to believe that you can afford internet

I don't

That's only true of brazil

truth be told I yikes internally at every probable non-white. It's so sad to think that just 10 years ago the vast majority of internet users were white and soon we will be a small minority, BROWN'D and CHINK'D beyond repair. oh well! At least they have to speak English to communicate or commune with whites online.

>normal middle class
>not white
Is that a thing in Mexico?

I don't believe anyone here is white

Your age is over, wh*toid

The age of the BVLL has begun

So they can say your life is easier in 3rd world
Firsties here are delusional

>Why do first worlders believe that Anons in Jow Forums from developing countries are white, rich and part of the local elites?
I really hope that is the case because if not majority of you are self loathing cucks perpetuating the enslavement of your people to corrupt aristocrats, or even worse b*rgers

You aren't even white my obese mutt friend

I wish, if I was rich as you guys think Brazilians are I would catching some rabudas just because I'm rich, not in this purgatory of a site.

And here comes the Canadian communist that knows nothing about anything.

>Canadian communist

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It comes with the assumption that you have the education and time away from work to both learn and practice english, which is something most people in the third world don’t have. That isn’t to say that it accounts for everyone, obviously, but some; i.e. any posters from the Saudi peninsula are undoubtedly upper class and/or elite.

I'm fucking unemployed

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Why do you speak English if you live in and were born in Mexico

they need to come up with mental gymnastics to justify their shortcomings when it comes to being monolinguals, losers or simply not above average in their respective countries in any sense, unlike us

how is Brazil any different from literally ANY OTHER Latin American country, or even SEA / MENA shithole in that aspect?

Are you really that fucking stupid? Learning other languages opens the doors of the world to you! Literature, scientific papers, specialized books, movies, music, etc. You can also meet a lot of people around the world and knowing other languages gives you job opportunities.
I speak English and currently I'm learning Português and Français.

no need to be hurtful you cunt

>And currently I'm learning Português and Français.

I live literally in a favela.

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Those are just variations of the same language and they are spoken only in third world brown shitholes.

So what? I would like to visit Brazil, France, French Polynesia or Mozambique 10000 times than fucking Switzerland, Iceland or Singapore.

looks comfy

Why is this the easiest (you)s get post from the thread ?

I'm literally brown lmao

>t. learnt how to speak english because dad was a political dissident

and you assume every first world is native for a million generations and is white, accepted and not discriminated by the racist population

I'm brown too

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*High fives fellow brown man*

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Because when you people post pictures of yourself it always shows yall to be castizo.
Same with the south african posters who are almost always white