
Indonesia is kill edisi

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First for fuck Malaysia

>Doing AFA in Tokyo
What the fuck.

You check your nipples yet?

just played dota again for the first time in 3 years. now i remember why i left, it gives me more stress than fun

That used to be C3 Tokyo and C3 Hong Kong, they merged with AFA a few years back. But now all the other OG AFAs are dead except for Singapore.

Play mobile legends

should i play fortnite

good, i'm bored seeing the same lineup over and over again

play apex with me

But they had a number of new guests every year.

This always happens to me but I always keep coming back, can’t let the thousands of hours of game knowledge go to waste. At least autochess is comfy and stress-free

If you want to get your ass kicked by building-spammer niggers, then yeah

Tell me about Upin and Ipin: why is it a 3D animation instead of a 2D one?

Someone respond to him before he turns of his trip and starts samefagging please

>czech repuplic
What the fuck is this general?

apparently we're not considered malays good riddance i say

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Except for Lat our local artstyle is too hard to animate in 2D. Just watch Keluang Man or Usop Sontorian if you want 2D animation.

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Selamat pagi /indog/! ;D
Plans for today?

I am going to work for two (2) hours (grrr...) followed by an online gaming sesh =O

I will then eat lunch between 12-1PM, tentatively nasi Padang but nothing is set in stone yet :thinking:

What about ya’ll?


Selamat malam

apex is pretty wild right now

one thing i hate is the indian players that has their mic shoved down his throat ruining the whole fucking game because i can't hear shit.


Selamat pagi dan selamat berlibur kawan kawan. Meanwhile i'm sitting here working on my undergraduate thesis

I wish I was still young enough to play online games, my reflexes are so terrible now.

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Morning !
25, unemployed, college dropout(s), has social autism, etc etc
Its a wonder why im still alive today !

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start playing solitaire old man

I'm a SEAboo, that's my excuse.

Okay my child.

and bola kampung

love u daddy

I love you too my cute daughter.

daddy, this whole time i was a boy.

I'm no longer your daddy.

we can do that weird thing you wanted yesterday? mom will never know. Please don't leave meee I need youu

you cute white boi

gais ntar malem ada gathering angkatan nih, menurut kalian gua dateng ga? Gua mager sih sebenernya, apalagi harus bayar2in kating.

MKL is already happy you are bumping his thread

this reply would probably trigger the pro dutdut anti manila sheet

my daddy shot himself in the head, what do I do bros?

This is nice country
T. Swede

Take him to the hospital, or apply first aid

I had a lot of fun in Cambodia.


have you go to Disnakertrans?

Wahai kawan-kawan sekalian, ingatlah untuk selalu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar.

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Make me, fegit

Its a ghost town

Bahasa is lame, English is more high-class.

Nah, i lied. My social autism preventing me to go there.

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Jangan sia-siakan perjuangan para pahlawan negara kita yang telah megorbankan nyawa mereka untuk tanah kita tercinta.
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa kaum imperialis dan kolonialis. Tidak sepatutnya digunakan oleh bangsa yang merdeka.

Spoken like a true commie

My people are still colonized

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>implying that there is worth on speaking bahasa indonesia
fuck off boomer, the struggle of the people that have fought for our independence didn't matter because westerners have won culturally. if you see most technological advancements here its mostly import from western world. even where you are now is an web hosted in an american server. we're a shithole and unless indonesia became a true industralized country with a culture that's loved not only by touristfags, then bahasa indonesia is worthy to be spoken and learned of

Welp, I was actually feeling minutely hungover ~__~ so I took a six (6) minute walk to my local McDolans for some greasy brekkie :lickslips:

Gee whiz, it took a d*rn long time >:(
A woman and her two young children ordered around 200K worth of food, and the customer at the adjacent register ordered like fifteen (15) portions of bubur O_O

I got a PaNas 2 with Coca Cola. I wanted one (1) spicy and one (1) crispy piece, but the sales associate would NOT accommodate my order :((( even though crispy and spicy combos are the same fr*ggin price, kek. I also ordered two (2) wraps for my spouse.

Once I got home I realized that they did NOT give me a straw >_< Luckily, I gave a set of metal straws that I bought online! :smug: I ended up having a deliteful brunch while watching an episode of Mad M*n. :fireemoji:

BASED, kek =^.^=

W44h !! kr3nn bu4ngg3tzzzz !! X_X

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Yes, fucking indians can't stop shouting.
>hey you are from indonesia? Selamat pagiiiiii, selamat pagiiiii, selamat pagiiiii.
I didn't revive him after he got knocked out.

t. Jakselian

People always make fun of my accent when I speak Indonesian IRL OwO

Suwun, c03g ! *blows kiss*

>English, a mutt language of Frogs and Krauts
>High class

Atleast say Latin, you faggot


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>meskipun validitas suara telah ditantang dalam retrospeksi
>Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat Referendum tidak diadakan sesuai dengan praktik Hukum Internasional, HAM dan Demokrasi yaitu dengan cara "One Man One Vote" satu orang satu suara
>para peserta PEPERA itu dipilih oleh pemerintah Indonesia Sendiri
>para peserta itu diintimidasi dan teror oleh Militan dan Militer TRIKORA Indonesia yang dikomandoankan oleh Soeharto 1963

Western propaganda. The votes were totally honest and sincere with absolutely no element of extortion and government intervention whatsoever :)

how about we do another plebiscite right now? no javanese colonizers though, obviously :)

t-2 hours until one of you cucks makes an indonesian girl butthole licking thread



fag genuinely has severe mental illness

Are there even niggers in malaysia?

I just want to say that I started the trend with the indonesian high school girls thread ;)

Bases and redpilled.
Fuck Kikes and Jannies too.

>riz ulala

That's a Kedahan look, not Sabahan. This is another girl from Kedah, you can see they have the same face template. If you're interested in Sabahan gay boy, I think the Malaysian gay user who post here is Sabahan.


if it looks like a girl and operates, it's not gay.

What was the lingua franca of the Philippines before independence?

I just saw one yesterday

haven't seen the burger-larping indog making those gayass WWYD threads? there's one like every day

dont encourage wh*teoids to look at our women that way. we dont wanna end up like PH or thailand

Berunai Melayu.

Need /asean/ approval whether this is gay or not


The short answer is that Tagalog is the Philippines' lingua franca, based mainly on the fact that the language around where the seat of power was during the Hispanic era (Manila) was Tagalog, and also because it was the language used by the revolutionaries. During the American period, Tagalog became the official language of the country,

What was the language that locals used to communicate between different ethnicities?


Tagalog or spanish

>Hey, this post may contain adult content, so we’ve hidden it from public view.
Oh i forgot Tumblr has fallen.

Before Independance thier local dialects with in themselves.
But since center of trade is more prominent in Luzon and Manila, tagalog became more wide spread.

my fucking eyes

never, and I'm torn between glad and curious. link me ok?

>likes a girl
>stalk her online
>see her exes
>see how rich her family is
>gets demotivated
god I wish I was asexual

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then the national language should be some sort of hybrid between tagalog and spanish

just try her out. you'll never know. sinetron are the key to success.

post it on facebook and beg for likes

How much money do I need for a five day trip in Can Tho with my GF?

monkey noises, with wet farts if you're a noble

>make artificial language
>force everyone to use it
How about no

100-200$ dorrar.
Why come to that place, it's barely have anything.