Africa is a shithole

>Africa is a shithole

Attached: capetown.jpg (1080x1350, 193K)

>capetown, a city built and inhabited by white people proves africa isn't a shithole

Attached: 1551298227332.png (653x792, 117K)

>city built by whites

The largest ethnic group in Cape Town are the Coloureds

Colored "people" aren't people so the city is 100% white.

Attached: lb.png (585x663, 765K)

yeah, it is

Attached: GeneralTownship[1].jpg (1080x810, 849K)

literally one of the most criminal cities on earth

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Attached: images (21).jpg (684x448, 36K)

Nairobi, Kenya.

Attached: images (25).jpg (693x442, 70K)

Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Attached: images (30).jpg (624x405, 31K)


Abuja, Nigeria.

Attached: images (29).jpg (667x460, 81K)

You need to go back.

cape town is a shithole though

So is Turkey, but I don't see you complaining

Luanda, Angola.

Attached: images (27).jpg (680x451, 54K)



Windhoek, Namibia.

Attached: images (26).jpg (678x452, 68K)

Port Louis, Mauritius.

Attached: port-luis-islas-mauricio.jpg (1000x645, 109K)

the southern suburbs,the waterfront and coast around there in the pic and fishhoek are basically high crime first world. The townships are hell on earth. The Afrikaans bits are pretty shit.The city centre is basically only for business but feels pretty eerie and like you could get rolled.

Wh*toids BTFO, the future is black

>Cape town
>Founded, settled and built by whites
>Now a general shitshow like mentioned besides the tourist areas

So yeah, even if capetown was wonderland, the continent is still shit, with almost none of the goverments being able to avoid ((international)) shilling.
>Hugh it's whitey fault
It stoped being whitey's fault a long time ago.

Why don't you show the rest of the city?
Anyways most of those buildings were built during colonial times, one such example is the bank, wich i belive is shown in the pic.
Although, most of said buildings were destroyed during the Angolan civil war.

What? Most of those skyscrapers in Luanda were built after the end of civil war in 2003.

Attached: DHzyejSVoAA0Tgs.jpg (1200x800, 201K)

I was refering to the most "classical" ones that made the building of those skycrapers possible.
Those "classical" buildings of corse are goverment property, that was constructed during colonial times, I even gave an example.
Take a look at pic related.
As I said previously , both OP and you are only showing the city center, the suburbs on the other hand, are no better than the Brazillian favelas, and if you compare them to European, American (south/north) or even Asian you will see why many call Africa a shithole.
But I believe you already knew that.

Attached: Maianga_suburb_of_Luanda.jpg (1600x1200, 921K)

very black African name, must have been built by them

Delusional newfag