Its ok you'll find someone someday

>its ok you'll find someone someday
I dont want someone I want you dumb fucking bitch

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go fuck a goat lmao

She doesn't want you though. At least she was nice to you. The girl I dated said I was a loser she felt sorry for so she said yes to some dates. She said a lot more hurtful things, but the worst thing was I know she was right.

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Sounds like she doesn't want you though

unattractive hoe you look like a boy and have the body of a 12 year old you dont get to be superficial

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>wanting to be with someone that doesn't want to be with you
I don't get this

also Im better looking and smarter than you. If you didn't like me then you should stopped teasing me, now I have feelings for you you stupid fucking cunt

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shouldnt pakis be more concerned about the paki-poo war?

love is a fucking meme

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I thought you had arranged marriages and that muslims were all alfa.


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I'd be more willing to feel for you pakistan if you weren't such a backwards shithole.

thats why im always confuse when seeing those middle east islam country talking about tfw no gf
like dude isnt a gf haram to you guys?

You sound like a Nice Guy™

we date in secret, we still have schools and college with coeducation

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her name kashmir?

>we date in secret
aren't you putting her life in danger? talk to her dad ask for an engagement

Top kek

I'd go straight to granny and ask to test out the merchandise. Now that's a player move

see thisliterally will got honor killed by her family just by dating you

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>get into good uni
>get good job
>engaged to some girl of parents choosing
Long process and Im in love with this girl

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fuck off, I realise now what nice guys exist. They do everything that chads do to get a gf while not being chads themselves and when they suffer from rejection it hurts alot and its not some 10/10 stacie rejecting them its some below average looking bimbo

It's funny
We're across the border but the girl I liked said the same thing to me as well...


Longing for something that'll always be out of our reach is basic human nature.

I have a Pakistani friend I met online and he told me that in reality there's a lot of dating and premarital sex stuff that happens in Pakiland

tell the police she is an apostate, if you can't have her, no one can!

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how is the war? who is winning so far?

How old are you?
Well you're kind of an example why the stereotype exists.

>how is the war? who is winning so far?
I don't care about war
It's annoying and it's unnecessary violence caused by politicians so they can get jingoistic brainlets to vote for them.

Allah wanted you to stay away from zina, user.

not going to be specific but its above 20. Only non-chads end up being called nice guys for doing just what chads do. Women were a mistake I long for the old times when females newborns were buried alive and burned of suspicion of being witches

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>I never told anyone this but I had a really bad crush on you in high school haha

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>I long for the old times when females newborns were buried alive and burned of suspicion of being witches
I thought such things are already happening in pakiland

fine than all over the world starting with your whore ass

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This sort of bitter shit isn't what I'd typically associate with "Chads".

chads wouldn't get rejected and end up here in the first place

Chads do get rejected, they just don't bitch about it.

yes because right after they have 10 other whores lined up to ride their dick

Its ok paki brother. I felt the same in India, so I left he country.

@ OP

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fuck you my mom is hot


Some advice Pakifriend, don't attach yourself too much to one thot, it's really not worth it, attractive nice girls aren't very rare, atleast where I live.

>Longing for something that'll always be out of our reach is basic human nature.
In this case it is a huge case of grass is greener, girls you're interested in before dating them seem perfect, then you start getting annoyed by every little obnoxious habit of theirs, get to hear them espousing views on subjects they clearly know nothing about, constant gossip, expecting you to carry conversations while they reply with nothing but "lol" and "ok" then get mad if you don't respond etc.

Obviously there are exceptions but this scenario plays out far too often, people also get too complacent to break up, eventually get married and this is why divorce rates are so high. Getting a little off-topic but marriages where the people live in separate houses also results in far stronger marriages, seeing your spouse is actually something you look forward to rather than dread since you're not spending every waking second with them when not at work, however the idea of moving in together and getting married being the only viable option for a long term relationship killed any chance of this working


Being rude even if you tell the truth, is still a cunt move. She's a bitch.

What a bitch, what happened? Were you guys fighting or something? That sounds like something out of a nightmare.

I disagree with a lot of your views on marriage/relationships. What you're describing is people who inherently do not like each other but stay together for some alternate reason. Disliking someone to the point of not wanting to be near them often is not a normal relationship. Besides, it is generally a good idea to have hobbies outside of work anyway.

This is a few hours late but you're completely right
I've been through this exact situation haha
I was just saying that this is in general how we feel.
When we ask out the person we like and they respond with "I'm sorry but I can't reciprocate those feelings", we feel terrible. They seem out of reach and that makes us want to have them even more, which makes us feel more terrible, etc.

>Disliking someone to the point of not wanting to be near them often is not a normal relationship
Normal isn't the right, common is. You should actually look around how see how commonly dysfunctional relationships are, even with couples that hide it well at face value

Fuck off back to cuckditt with your cringey "r/niceguys" shit. Fuck off nu-male, roastie.

>nu-male, roastie.
I meant nu-male/ roastie

isn't it socially acceptable to brutalize women in pakistan? just hit her over the head with a club and throw her in your sex dungeon.

Yeah a lot of people are in fucked up relationships but that doesn't mean you should treat it like it's normal, even if it is common. If anything more people should be encouraged to break it off if they're that unhappy with someone, especially since they're likely to be dragging kids into that mess.

>If anything more people should be encouraged to break it off if they're that unhappy with someone, especially since they're likely to be dragging kids into that mess.
I agree entirely, my semi-coherent post was more about people accepting shit relationships as normal, not that it should be like that

>da war
there is no war

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>tfw remember having this exact conversation
it's been 5 years now

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get goat instead of woman

get boy instead

based rahoul

>OP's girlfriend will be brown pooskin like OP himself

revolutionary post

>"Hi, Sadiq~"

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You think Nice Guys are just a Reddit thing? Well that's a nice rock you've been living under