if dubs im gonna commit suicide
If dubs im gonna commit suicide
If 0-9 fuck A*glo-Canadians
Ok die
>actually gets dubs
Kek wills it
Looks like it is.
Holy based
If prayers you live
If dubs I'm gonna commit suicide too
pls don't
Become a monk and devote yourself to achieving a higher state of enlightenment, even if it's BS and a waste of time you would have just killed yourself anyways
Dubs of truth
Remember: the train to Gensoukyou only arrives if you stream it.
based aussie
>Don't commit suicide
Kill some Japs first.
Faits: les Canadiens français sont la race la plus puissante du monde.
Where's op gone.
If trips OP doesn't do it
Well i tried
I hope he's ok. OP I like to look at cartoon bears when I feel sad, it helps me think of better times.
if dubs, op is dead
Seem like he dead man.
>if dubs, op is dead
There's something wrong about op's pepe
He's not smug as he is in other pics... he's giving us that bitter smile
timestamp or gtfo
>implying it's newsworthy
plastic knows their place.
>gonna commit suicide
Another normal day in Korea
It's ok. There's another billion people who look exactly like you.
Just do heroin, youll feel amazing and love life again. And if you die from it oh well it is what you wanted. And your family and friends will be able to come to terms with your death alot easier. Suicide really destroys/mindfucks the people who love you, but being a victim of an addiction, while tragic, will just make them think it was just a terrible accident and you were killed through sad circumstances that got the better of you and couldnt control.
you have to reply OP. you can't just leave us HANGING like this.
Yeah but you know what he will leave hanging?
I hope this is just a joke please don't kill your self
what are you, a faggot? that's his choice.
Hey thats a great plan. Worst case scenario you start to enjoy life and feel great all the time, and the best case scenario is you die and it isnt seen as suicide by your family. How does one by heroin besides darkweb?
OP is dead