Being born in New Zealand is like winning the lottery

Being born in New Zealand is like winning the lottery

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png (1200x600, 20K)

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yeah the lottery of losing

Being born in America isn't like winning the lottery because anyone can just run across the border

Being born in any first world country is a lottery desu.

Though I would say USA has the most to offer for those who can utilize said lottery properly.

I wish I was born in a first world country but since I was born here it is my duty to fix things

Attached: osaka sad.png (640x480, 148K)

When you win the lottery but it's only enough to buy another ticket

You're not supposed to actually buy lotto tickets, Bruce

>you're so lucky you weren't born in this poor country!!!
is there more brainlet take than this? if you were born to, for example, some gooks in mongolia you wouldn't be you.

Attached: 1522527655923.jpg (326x294, 18K)

being born in Sweden isn't like winning the lottery because anyone can claim asylum there

First world countries need to fix a lot of things, starting with the globalist culture