/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

Star of David edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


no trump debates below this line


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Is a mistake: the "settlements"

I'm not CHI and I think Americans are a-ok!

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thanks Ho Chi Mihn

dubs decides what I draw

Elon Musk with a ginormous dick


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Hey morning!!

Was being flirty with a female coworker today even though I’m not romantically interested in her
Flirting is fun bros


a fedoralord with a VICE article

he's moving again get in here

a fedoralord with a VICE article

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back day buds
feeling the burn
feeling GOOD

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why everything bad always

Did the ol “touch someone’s shoulder”’ trick on a female coworker
After that she kept asking me if she could help me and hugged me out of nowhere once

As a cham heritage myself, freedom for Cham Kingdom! youtu.be/watiHa0yQbo

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On my first day there we spent 3 hours sitting in the managers office talking
Manager doesn’t care as long as the boss isn’t there lol

nice job bud, you've made it to the promised land!!

fuck why

i wish i was not alive often

maybe if you had better values...



kys, pinko

it won't help im garbage

My job is low tier wageslavery but I like my coworkers so I actually enjoy going to work..

Age/weight? Prrovince? Job? They may be hope yet buddy

If my tabs say Mar 3 2019 it means they expire at the end of march?

vodka lots

what is CHam?

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Well I been down there. Wish I could hug ya and take you to a movie or some shit, no homo ofc

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special k protein bars are delicious desu senpai

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I have a shit ton of chapters in this book and a 3 pg essay all due next thursday

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*pats your shoulder*

haha, I think it's an island or something

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why are americans so stupid and fat?

why are gooks so irrelevant

I’m having an Irish coffee rn

Saw a white man and a Mexican woman today
The man was holding a beige colored baby

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South Vietnam

>Support annihilate of Vietnam for Ming.
>It's actually happen.
>Vietnam get freedom from Ming.
>Shit Happen.
Lol Champa fault in the end.



*bursts into tears and vomits*

shabat shalom

No such thing as "south vi*tnam".
A peaceful kingdom that just minding their own business, attacked unprepared by the barbaric v*et shit. I'll go back to my ancestors land of Champa soon and reclaim the rightfully clay of Chams.

gib russki gf, ivan

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you're breaking the sabbath


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What does it mean if a female coworker keeps wanting to spend time around you

>A peaceful kingdom that just minding their own business, attacked unprepared by the barbaric v*et shit.

got work in the morn, night buddos

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Vietnam is basically state capitalism and allied with the US so in the end we won the Vietnam War

He actually believe it.
Based Champa king so good at raiding Vietnam.
And this guy right , if you want to talk about it go back to /asean/ instead of being autism in /cum/

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stop it user, you stupid cunt

night night.

sleep and sadness?

I'm washing away.

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if you've been harassing someone JUST BECAUSE you're feeling like it, what do you expect from the person you've been harassing to do? a welcoming smile? No one would ask for big brother's help if you're actually kind and not such a cunt and barbaric asberger "Han"; the genocider of CHAM.

ICE should be abolished.

Chams are mudshits therefore genocide against them is based

t. Juan hernandez garcia escobar Lopez

All ethnic groups that converted to pisslam deserve genocide
Literally am unable to feel anything but contempt for Mudshits

You're at the club and this lithuanian boy says "hi" to you. wat do?

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>ICE should be abolished

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t. 21 savage

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>if you've been harassed someone JUST BECAUSE you're feeling like it, what do you expect from the person you've been harassing to do?
Thanks to prove me right.
Lmao, Champa actually makes Vietnam from a Hippie country become Imperialism. IT'S YOUR FAULT MING ANNEX VIETNAM, AND IT'S YOUR FAULT SHIT HAPPEN AFTER VIETNAM GET INDEPENCE.
Karma is a bitch.
Also, I gonna stop replying in this general because it's autism.

Yeah spread the FALSE INFORMATION. The places name in the Champa Kingdom are Hinduism origin. You, the filthy barbarians are so evil and soulless, and you actually KILL THE HINDU CHAM till none left. The Champa Kingdom would be pretty much like Bali of Indonesia with a mix of Hindu and Islam alongside but instead YOU'VE DESTROYED THEM ALL! Filthy subspecies sinoic shit.
>torturing Hindu Cham with beef
>torturing Muslim Cham with pork


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hi guys

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Most Champanzees are Mudshits therefore all Champagutans deserve painful deaths


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>Karma is a bitch
Dai viet doesn't deserve their own country because you're literally just a chinese ethnic, even being proud of being a HAN. Easily gets the name of all the thousand years hard work of my ancestors as yours? How low can one be



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>drinking tito's straight from the bottle

jesus alice it's not gas station vodka

kys Mahamud Bin Mahamud

>el OhiANO


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god i hate myself.

im trying to stalk someone through instagram, but I dont have an instagram. Do I have to make one?

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wow stop being a fucking pervert anytime

what is a estate tax rate ?
you don't need an account to look at their pics.


you kys. at least I'm still a Cham that has been waiting at Kelantan, a blood brother since time come to pass, waiting for the right moment to destroy you. Unlike you, sucking the welfare in some foreign land, the absolute state of v*et being so cheap and low

>you don't need an account to look at their pics

so I'd have to get their account link or something? The instagram webpage doesnt have some sort of search function.

its ok if i do it

pls no

What you are is shit tier diaspora that fled because it was too weak to not be genocided
Your ethnicity is a joke, mudshit subhuman

why the fuck do I keep getting spam emails to watch russian whores on twitch when Im not even subscribed to them

and why cant I block them

everyone knows brendan schaub is gay.