I hate those countries

Why do we even fucking exist, the north should have annexed us centuries ago

>hurr durr we wuz romans/Byzantines/conquistadores
>obnoxious and annoying people that shout all the time
>too hot on the summers
>shitty wages and working conditions
>corrupted to the core
>nobody pays taxes
>we elect nigger liars as politicians which raise taxes to feed their asses
>shitty roads and highways
>literally NOTHING good about living there

Fuck off, I believe people are born as Southern European as a punishment for crimes they did in their previous lives

Attached: 300px-PIIGSmap.png (300x146, 29K)

That's what you get when you convert to chr*stianity.

Kill yourself, or spend less time on /po/, self hater.

you should NEVER stop being proud of being Greek, I shouldn't even have to say this

Jow Forums*

he isn't a self hater but an albanian rat
they are the underclass of Greece so he's always complaining

I stopped being proud of my country when I started working and paying taxes in this shithole.
Σkάσε kώλο Τούρkε ikibey
I don't browse pol

t. gayreek economic refugees to white people countries

you are the only one who posts on /balk/ you albanian subhuman

t. albanian subhuman

>haha yes, be proud you work as a waiter for 14h per day and get paid 600 euros yes yes be proud

I bet it looks good to tourists yeah, it not through

That's Kelly you're talking about, shitskin turk.

Attached: ammoudi-taverna-dimitris-3.jpg (947x560, 124K)