I've made up my mind and decided I want 3 wives

but women don't want to share a husband so it wont just happen. The way I want to do it is take 3 wives from impoverished countries. I'm thinking Somalia, or maybe even Syria if I could pull it off. They would want to come with me because of a better life here. So they wouldn't mind being 3rd wives if it meant "escaping" their countries and poor lifestyle to come live the privileged life with me. And I consider myself good looking because I have a defined jawline and prominent cheekbones and I go to the gym. So I would like to marry them on the same day.

I can afford it so why not? I also want to have somewhere between 5 to 10 children before I'm 30. Because I don't want to have kids at all after I'm 30. But the ideal number of kids is 7 I guess (I might change my mind). 3 wombs are better than 1 so you know...

Only problem is I still don't know how to go about it. But I'm 19 so I have more than enough time to figure it out.

Attached: 3 for me not 4.jpg (645x650, 65K)

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Yeah but you're ugly so

>I consider myself good looking because I have a defined jawline and prominent cheekbones and I go to the gym
I'm also 177 cm so I'm not short (in my country) and most women are shorter than this

I think I can pull it off. Marry 3 women and then live happily ever after

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You wanna marry girls like Shamima Begum? Yikes

Wallah, go for it

Ukraine is very impoverished, btw.

I don't want to put my dick in south asian women

Attached: taste of my shoes.jpg (1080x770, 74K)

>177 cm


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Got him good


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Look Habibi I looked into this too when I was younger and it's a bad idea. All the girls I found willing or open to the idea of sharing a husband were trash. Usually single moms. Even in poor countries. The best ones don't want to share you.

Wikipedia says 178. Where did you get your info from?

from wikipedia

Never mind my reply, had a second look

I only want to marry muslim women desu
and eastern european women are prostitutes

Unironically ask your father for advice. I doubt you'll get good advice on Arab marriage customs from this board

My parents (my mother mainly) told me they wanted me to marry some Bahraini girl they think would suit me but I told them I'm not thinking about marriage right now but I'll consider it when I'm ready.
I know my parents and I don't think they would like the idea. But I'll do it anyway.
And I'm not seeking advice from this board (advices are still welcome). I'm just telling this board about my decision.

>I'm also 177 cm so I'm not short

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what a weird world the arab one is, post the Barharini girl

oh shit this reply: was meant for (you)

You should def try your hand at Syrian women, they are the easiest and willing to do freaky shit once you get past her 24 manlet brothers

most women are shorter than this

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ok think about it with me. Would you rather THREE "trashy" women. or only one best girl? 3 pussies or 1? you think about it.

I am not going to post my potential future wife in this forum. She is my backup plan in case I fail or change my mind and she is still available.
All I want to say about her is that shes is not ugly but I am above her lookslevel. I'm also Jow Forums while she looks to be chubby.
And it's been a while since I've seen a Venezuelan flag. Hope you're safe and well user. Glad you still have internet connection.

>those digits

Are young pretty Syrian women willing to be 3rd wives to marry a rich gulf arab given the current situation in Syria? Also redpill me on Syrian women.
Are they really all undercover whores? Or are there enough traditional women to make them queens?

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Based but if she's willing to share you with other women she's probably not worth having
If this was older times or if you were richer you could have gotten one main wife and a bunch of concubines...

wish we could turn back time...
theme of your post: youtube.com/watch?v=Rf4euAs7LY8

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I thought ME women were based and tradpilled, guess I was wrong. I also used to think that polygamous marriages/harems are still very commonplace and accepted in Islam, guess I was wrong again huh

Wish we could turn back time, to the older days when even Hindus were polygamous.

What happens to all of the guys who don't even have the option to marry or have committed partners because of polgyny?
Is this why Arabs are always blowing things up and beheading people?

All women are whores, no matter how many layers of purity sheets (hijab) you try to wrap them in to contain their carnal appetites, you cannot control the dopamime in their brain that flows with the ecstasy that comes in vaginal sex

Why not anal and oral?

She only does those to please you, she is more than likely to consider those as a chore to not hurt your ego
They contain no erogenous sensors she can feel pleasure from

Thank you for your reply experienced Lebanese user or should I say Leb-user
Hahaha ha ha

>3 bitches moaning and complaining all day

>3 bitches bleeding every month and getting mod swings

>3 bitches to discipline every time they step out line

>3 bitches that may end up conspirating against you

>If you marry then at the same time eventually the 3 bitches are going to become 3 old hags

OP I would never understand the appeal of having more than one wife, one is bad enough, but I really advice you to think this through.

Get one wife and as many lovers as you like, or get one wife now and in ten years get a second younger. But it makes no fucking sense taking 3 wives at the same time.

thanks mate, i hope i survive long enough to see you with your 3 wives

well I typed Syria and Somalia. In Syria hundreds of thousands of men have died due to the war. And in Somalia hundreds of thousands of men left their country for Europe. So plenty of women for everyone.

Its the same situation in Western countries as well. More men will die childless and alone because of serial monogamy

touche. Also it is known that men that marry more than one wife have to put each one in a different house. Women will never share the same house.

I hope you survive till the end. take care mate

Can you keep up with 3 wives? Men are struggling to find some time for themselves even with 1 wife lol

are you implying 3 women are enough for a high T BVLL like me????
>ayy lmao can't satisfy not even 1 woman

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