Why is Finland a punching bag for Swedes? They are openly extremely racist towards them and nobody cares...

Why is Finland a punching bag for Swedes? They are openly extremely racist towards them and nobody cares, while no Swede would dare to insult a muslim.

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>what are jokes
german sense of humour

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>They are openly extremely racist towards them
It's just banter and jokes
>no Swede would dare to insult a muslim.
Not true

Because Finland>Sweden.

Don't you have neighbours you bant with? We bant with each other all the time in the north.

We insult Islam all the time, though.

Swedes don't understand that it really does hurt us. And no, it's not just jokes, they really feel superior to us and consider us inferior. All we want is to be your equal, Sweden, all we want is your love and respect.
Yes, we make jokes about you but it's just a way to cope with the fact that you don't respect us as much as you respect Norwegians and Danes. You don't consider us your brother like you consider them your brothers. We served you so well for hundreds of years and you still don't accept us. We are like a son waiting for his dad to say "I'm proud of you".
It took me a long time to realize that this is what all Finns really want. We just want to make Sweden proud. But they hate us, no matter what, no matter how good we are. We top all the rankings in "best countries", "least corrupt", "most stable", "best education" we do it all for you Sweden! So why do you still think we're so subhuman when we beat you! Again and again we beat you! We only do it so you will say "brother". But you consider us inferior no matter what. It hurts every Finn so much whenever you make jokes about us.

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I've seen it once and I don't want to watch it again

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I don't know if you're serious or trying to bait me.

It is the truth. Why would you think it's bait?

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I have nothing against finns but anime "cute"posters deserve the bullet
t. Swede

Because there's always a 50/50 chance of being called gay or namecalled as soon as you soften up to a Finn.

This is an anime website o_O

Like I said, it's the way we cope. It's literally all we can say against Swedes "haha fag". It's not mean spirited its the only thing we have.
Just look at this webm . Those Swedes are disgusted by Finns. They think we're subhuman. They will never consider us their equal, no matter what.
We look up to you, we follow you in politics, we treat your royalty as our royalty, we always think of you as our big brother, so of course it hurts to know that you hate us for no reason no matter what we do

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I am ashamed.

kys for real

See this . Im having a hard time believing you're serious.

>anime poster
abandon thread

He is a newfag on this board. He doesn't realize it yet.
I realized it when I noticed how hurt I was when I saw Swedes on here saying "you're not Nordic" and things like that. Then I compared that feeling to the warm feeling I received when Swedes said "Finns are our only brothers" and things like that.

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This is why anime should be illegal and every dumb faggot like this should be put into work camps.

You're not a Finn. Show your real flag.

All Swedes I met hated Arabs

this guy probably can't speak a single word in finnish

Oon 100% suomalainen ja ylpeä siitä. Uushomot takaisin ylikselle tai Jow Forumsiin. Ette voi kieltää että se tuntuu ihan helvetin hyvältä kun saa hyväksyntää ruotsalaisilta.

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vitun ryssät

Let me tell you how it is.
Sweden doesn't have just one national identity. Whoever you relate to the most depends on
where you live in the country. West/west coast relate to Norway, southerners relate to Denmark and East cost from mid Svealand up relate to Finns and Norwegians.
People who say you're not Nordic live the furthest away from you.
People who say you're our only brothers are most likely Stockholms or from the border.
Why Stockholm? Because everyone shits on Stockholm and the the ferry traffic makes the link stronger.
A good example is that we on the east coast get YLE and Scania gets Danish channels. I don't know about the other guys, I dont like to interact with them.
That's the truth if you ignored the exceptions.

Who doesn't?

Based anime poster

>All we want is to be your equal, Sweden, all we want is your love and respect.

Tapa ittes. Tai mene edes töihin, saatanan hyödytön läski.

No siis, ei sitä tarvitse ääneen sanoa, eikä etenkään hurrille. Tyst ny.

>Ette voi kieltää että se tuntuu ihan helvetin hyvältä kun saa hyväksyntää ruotsalaisilta.
totta kai se tuntuu hyvältä, kun saamme hyväksyntää ulkomaisilta. ei tarvitse olla edes ruotsalainen.
mutta ei se tarkoita että pitäisi paskoa tätä myötähäpeää aiheuttavaa tekstiä tänne saatanan animeautisti

>Stockholmers feel closest to Finns
But everyone always says that these swedes are Stockholmers. If that's how the Swedes who are closest to us, I can't even imagine the rest. Maybe they barely know we exist, maybe they just hate us.

It is just honesty.

Oon töissä ja laiha :D

Haluan vaan tietää minkä takia ruotsalaiset ei hyväksy meitä.

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Jesus Swedes are absolute cunt. We're pretty mean to our neighbours but it doesn't go that far.

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Mutta ruotsalaisten kehut tuntuu parhailta ja ruotsalaisten ilkeät puheet sattuu eniten

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Näin siis länsisuomalaiset ajattelee

>italy is the boyfriend

Oon keskisuomalainen

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>Haluan vaan tietää minkä takia ruotsalaiset ei hyväksy meitä.
oisko toi
>suomalaisten muuttoliikkeet ruotsiin 40-60 -luvulla, joka toi mukanaan paljon känniääliöitä ja puukkojunkkareita
>ruotsalaiset rotutohtorit eivät suosinut suomalaisten fenotyyppejä ja kehoitti ruotsalaisia pysymässä kaukana
>ainoa pohjoismaa, joka ei puhu germaanista kieltä, joten olemme aika ufoa kansaa skandeille

Don't take what they said seriously. The video is edited to only include those interviews. Its also natural to respond like they do with this "Nordic rivalry" going on. You did notice how they just highlighted the stereotypes about your people, right?
Finnish workforce is much appreciated and praised. Although not as much today's but you'll find instances in history.
My friends grandmother and her sister moved here from Tammefrors and worked as nurses. When the head of the hospital retired he praised all the Finnish nurses and held a speech about them.

Mutta ne pitää meitä ali-ihmisinä edelleen vaikka Suomi on jo parempi kuin Ruotsi tai ainakin samalla tasolla lähes kaikessa.

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Oh Swedes are openly insulting to it's minorities, often in cunning ways.

Koska emme ole tummaihoisia

Probably because those muslims are largely not subhuman Europeans, so it wouldn't make sense to insult them in the same manner Swedish cretins mock their largely inferior former slaves.

perus ruotsijanari ei tiedä yhtään näistä statistiikoista, joita te postaatte tänne
suomalaiset sai huonon maineen 1900-luvulla ja stereotypiat meistä jäi voimaan sinne. monet ruotsalaiset luulevat, että suomessa kaikki kantaa puukkoa mukanaan ja vodka maistuu päivittäin, koska tämän kuvan he saivat meistä muuttoliikkeiden aikana

If he asked Finns what we think of Sweden we would say nice things "beautiful people, vikings, brother country, our best friend".
And from what I've read here and on the news Finns were discriminated against and Swedes are trying to make Finns stop speaking Finnish.

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>what's banter

and why do you assume racism?

>Finland-Swedish spacing

I don't know man. I have never met anyone that think badly of finns Irl. Everyone I know and even me have had several Finnish friends.
From what I see it's just insecure people in the video doing what they do when they get "attacked". Again, these are just stereotypes. We never had any benefit from moving closer to you because you always mimicked us. Your whole society is modelled after the Nordic model and we didn't have to do anything. You've been given all these good stereotypes so that it would be easier to move closer to us. Meanwhile we just have the classic bad stereotypes like we have with any other country.
In the end, its just very cryptic bants.


it's just banter lol calm down

>no Swede would dare to insult a muslim

*northern sweden laughs at you*

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Show boipussy

>Don't you have neighbours you bant with?
We used to, but they couldn't tell the difference between bantz and genocides, so we stopped doing that until our neighbors have learned how to take a joke.

You should "banter" the Poles again and then France

i'm so sorry finn bros
if it makes you feel better i really like finland

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Finns are pathetic creatures, and don't dare to argue with me after this thread


Russians aren't even people
Finns look down on you white niggers

imagine insulting one of your bros? It's not a big deal right. it happens all the time.
Now imagine insulting a stranger. That would be rude and you will be trash for doing so.

Same thing here. I am a muslim an I ma not friends with those people. They shouldn't talk shit about us. But them talking shit about each other is to be expected because the know each other, you know. Like they are the bros in this example.

It is this simple.

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You can only laugh at those that are in a higher position than you.

Fucking faggot kys Binlan > Sweden

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Then we must be the king of the hill

He’s an animeposter, so he’s for sure 100% Finnish.

itäsuomalainen = juuri ja juuri itärajan takaista parempi

Joo niilläpä ei ole tarpeeks ruotsalaisverta mikä edistää junttirodun rotupiirteitä

Always remember

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Good post.

Finns look like Hazaras

Fuck S*eedes

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It’s true.

Finnish genes are dominant. They'll outbreed you

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But I like cute finish boys

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gay sex anime cocks

das rite

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Freaky, it's like their eyes are sinking down their face

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at least she isn't brown

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You may look on us however you like. But even if we are hated by all world, its still better than having non existent altitude like toward you. Literally nobody in the world gives a fuck about you finnish chuhans, and if somebody gives, thats because of disgust, like swedes.

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I had never heard about Finland before I discovered Jow Forums lol

>Literally nobody in the world gives a fuck about you finnish chuhans, and if somebody gives, thats because of disgust, like swedes.
then why the hell i see articles about finland all the time, where we get praised? many foreigners seem to think finland is some kind of paradise on earth

This Hazara could be her brother

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Good question. Because i want to cause finnish butthurt and asspain.

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These Brazilians could be her sister

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European education lmao

Literally this. I didn't even know that Finland was once part of our country.

>why the hell i see articles about finland all the time
you are the one writing them

I thought it was still a part of Russia lol was really surprised when I learned they are their own country and was mind-boggled when I learned that Swedish is mandatory in their schools. Like wtf who are these people?

Finns are Russians' bros.
They are just in denial about it just as swedes in denial about finns being better than them.

t. Vladislav Karjalainen


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i wasn't talking about finnish articles.

Legit we never actually got to learn anything about Finland. I remember the map from stormaktstiden, but they never actually mentioned Finland. The only reason i knew about Finland is because we had Finnish kids in school.

I thought Finland was an island in Denmark before I came to this board lol

All their "insults" revolve around finns being macho and strong. It's hilarious. They think being manly is a negative trait.

f*Ns are weak attention whoring outcasts


Says the guy who makes threads about black cocks every day

Being cynical and an alcoholic isn't macho

Yes it is.

>you're not Nordic
Of course you are not. Finns are closer to Uraloids than to nords

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