I don't spend over 20 hours of the day in my room

>I don't spend over 20 hours of the day in my room

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i do and i hate it

>tfw spend only 19
Whev. Dodged a bullet there.

>i do and i hate it

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>being a neet

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stop it
once you become a neet, it's hard to go back no normal life

I was a neet for 4 years, now I make 3k a month
It's not hard

I spent one year as a NEET, never again

Did you receive a neetbux when you were a neet?

I tried to go back, but I had an autistic fit. 2 times in 2 different schools.
I'm 23 and haven't finished high school.
Never had a job.
God, I'm horrible.