I've had enough

I've had enough

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Less coins in circulation nice

Honestly... This isnt fuckin funny anymore... Im about to just quit man. For real.

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I could've USED that money

putting your money in crypto is like throwing it into a black hole

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Me too, desu... Me too....

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we got scammed by Jow Forums
I knew you guys were pajeets

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No moon till 2019

then why'd you tell me to buy in months ago fucker?

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Is this anger or depression or despair or all emotions all at once

>one person is biz

i can't take it anymore, seriously

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>having enough when it's only beginning
It will be back. It will x10. And x10. And x10. Just like it always does. Stop being such a sissy.

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What happened my niggas

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Listen guys, i'm a 32 year old boomer who first heard about BTC in 2012 from friends, and finally started buying in 2015. My $10k initial investment was worth $1.9 million last year and is now worth a little under $400k.

My point is that I remember holding in 2015 when BTC was $200-300 and hearing people who bought in 2014 whining about how they paid $1k for it.

Seeing the market go down sucks, but you either believe in the future of crypto or you don't. If you don't, then you never should have bought in the first place and should sell whatever you have now. If you do, then you should be accumulating now. That's what i'm doing.

he sold?

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absolutely ruthless user... how do you live with yourself?

dont do it user, youll be a millionaire by just hodling 10k chainlink in 2023 at the latest.
just be patient you stupid fag

I'm 32 too and I also bought I. 2015, however I'm not a fucking retard and have dumped my BTC bags and bought BCH instead. Spend some time looking into BCH and you'll soon realise it will come to dominate the market.

I want to go back to December....please God let me go back.

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It's not even a currency is it?

Moralfag + Shills LINK
Found the Redditor who lurks Jow Forums.

Are you all genuinely depressed and suicidal or just LARPing because you think it'll make the market go up again?