This is the average Parisian bourgeoise

This is the average Parisian bourgeoise

every French hate them

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where's her African bf

comfort yourself with the fact that these people will face the sword of islam before anyone else does

she isn't working class so her bf is a soyboy bourgeois

>I hate le stupid bougies
>being a rural retard is le basé et rouge-pillulé
>it is us inbred campagnards who didn't produce anything of cutlural value in over 200 years who are "le true "

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are her parents rich or something

French people are the most arrogant and stupid people I've met in my life.

Absolutely disgusting, I hate you frogs.
Funny because I've always been told how "cold" and "robotic" germans were, yet they were among the friendliest people I met in Europe.

French, otoh, o my...... fuck you all.

>hair parted in the center
>draping a jacket over your shoulders
I feel bad this Kardashian tier bullshit spread to France

That's right fuckboy. And if your faggot ass ancestors had finished the job in 1871 we would have been rid of the parisian menace for good.

French are quite friendly. They're just tired of niggers, so you were shit out of luck, macaco.

>French people are the most arrogant

and we have every right to be
>best food in the world
>best culture in the world
>best language in the world
>best looking women in the world
>best looking men in the world
>best architecture in the world
>best comics in the world


Literally begging to get bred by germanic BWC

what a faggy post

The Germans are guilt-ridden and as a result want as many brown people in Germany as possible to prove to the world they are not racist

The French are already brown and do not feel the need to accommodate you

who hurt you

can she cane me?

It's true though

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I want a French Princess, some day...

... never?

... dying alone sucks.

She'll be BLACKED, soon enough. French boys cannot compete with superior African men ^_^

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you and me both my celtic cousin

>can afford living in the heart of Paris doing fuck all
What do you think?