I still don't know what 'based' means

I still don't know what 'based' means ...

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me too

context clues?

a post to be followed by other posters

What if I told you that both of your posts are based?

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holy shit based!


No notó que no ganaba camino alguno con sus esfuerzos; pues no tenía, por decirlo así, ningún apoyo, ninguna base sobre que hacer fuerzas y en que poder emplearlas para poner el entendimiento en movimiento.
Ahora bien, si no podía llegar a la cima de la montaña, y si por otra parte no se podía dar la vuelta a la base del cono, sería imposible examinar la parte occidental del país, y el objeto de la ascensión no se conseguiría.
la base naval de Guantánamo

It's a black people thing, you wouldn't understand.

I meant like in "based and redpilled"
I know what redpilled means, but based?

Well grounded, bottom heavy, based.



use (something specified) as the foundation or starting point for something.

"the film is based on a novel by Pat Conroy"



situate at a specified place as the centre of operations.

"the Science Policy Review Unit is based at the University of Sussex"


based = upvote
cringe = downvote
redpilled = gold

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Established post my friend

Based and redpilled

actually based
not quite redpilled, though

The meaning isn't important, it's all about how it works:
Just post the most horrible thing that comes to your mind, and people will reply "based" in sign of approval.


Edit: didn't expect it to blow up. Rip inbox.
Edit 2: thanks for the gold kind stranger
Edit 3: I guess this post is now history, hello mom!

Right in the cringe, Ivan...

Fucking hell

It means like base but with d ed.
Its the base, the foundation, foundational, profound, fundamental.

don't think, feel
