Why do nordoids tourists hate that little cute thing ?

why do nordoids tourists hate that little cute thing ?

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they are fucking LOUD

they're scary
i hate them

A summer without them is no summer at all.

just as loud as your average chav tourist, and they vomit much less
all things considered, i'd trade bongs for cigales any day

i don't think they have any in nordland

cicadas produce one of the most pleasant sound you'll ever hear in your lifetime, the louder it is the better it is

What is that?

we have those. they are called surrvingar

a gnisselsurrare?

we have those.

cicadas they make loud buzz mating sounds in the summer

tjutmygg? ofc we have those in the north

ylgnisslare! of course i recognize those from the swedish forests! amazing creatures

Don’t come to Maryland

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they are turks with wings

wasn't planning on it.

Deafening harbingers of awful hot weather. Nothing worse than waking up for a restless fragmented sleep to the autistic droning of those little bastards.

Cockroaches can have wings too, so what's your point?

>poor mans denmark

Gee I wonder why?
Also they're big and creepy


They're only that bad every 17 years

That time of the year to scort these out of the house, otherwise you'll get yourself a lovely serenade