Stop learning English by learning translations of words in your own language. It only makes you bad at English. Babies don't need translations; the only way to learn a second mother tongue is to figure out what the words mean yourself.
Stop learning English by learning translations of words in your own language. It only makes you bad at English...
Oh man, you talk a lot of shit. We are not babies to learn the English language so easily. Translations are a very good resource for anyone who is beginning to understand the logic of language.
Google translate is really not that bad...
I can learn a language in 8 months or so. A baby takes more than a decade.
stop using a translator and learn like a baby. the best way to learn is to watch youtube videos, and pause every 2 seconds and repeat what you heard. Eventually you will start noticing patterns and words over and over again. This will make you better at English rather than thinking in your head your language, then slowly translating that into English.
never did that ya finna projecting indo-europoor no dimes simpetty
stop using a translator and learn like a baby. the best way to learn is to watch youtube videos, and pause every 2 seconds and repeat what you heard. Eventually you will start noticing patterns and words over and over again. This will make you better at English rather than thinking in your head your language, then slowly translating that into English.
>says the monolingual
good. see now your really learning. now you don't have to say "my english listening is bad" "y english speaking is bad" "im good at reading english!!!"
Act like a parrot with every English word you hear. Drop the translator. Expand your mind.
ya zniyo paroski, further proof is children learn to fully speak and think in a language before ever having learned to read.
Mind expanded +1
I’m sure you know a ton about learning languages!
>stop using a translator and learn like a baby. the best way to learn is to watch youtube videos, and pause every 2 seconds and repeat what you heard. Eventually you will start noticing patterns and words over and over again. This will make you better at English rather than thinking in your head your language, then slowly translating that into English.
make a sentence we'll summon a native to proofread it
>implying second learning acquisition as an adult works the same as first language acquisition
I agree that language learners are much better off relying on their L1 as little as possible and instead learning vocabulary in context, though
what kinda dumb shit is this
t. trilingual
most american thing ive ever read
mix & match methods for optimal results tbqh
>says the ape
We can tell you have obviously never studied a language. Firsty, babies don't "learn" languages, they acquire them. Babies don't even know what a language is.
Grown people do need theoretical tools to even understand what concepts such as declination, conjugation or adjectives are. Even if we took your "advise" (idiocy) and followed it, it would be a really ineficient method, because most popular media doesn't show the depth of a language, it would take a lot of time to use your "empirical" method. I bet you can't even use the English subjuctive mood properly
Why do headless central americans have such an inferiority complex against americans?
How to learn any language in like 20 years. What a nice guide
Does op fuck your ass every night? Why do you defend them?
what an idiot, why dont you attempt to learn a language.
99% of posters on this board have a better command of the english language than you.
none of you speak English like a native. You're only good at reading it. All of you sound like retards in English, but normal in your mother tongues. It's not because you learned one first. It's because the one you did learn first you learned by emulation.
Learning english by translation is actually retarded and why all of you still sound like barbarian barking dogs.
he sounds like barely a monolingual
You too Poland.
you actually can't speak fucking english retard poland squarehead
Actual autist, the topic wasnt about how to learn pronunciations, it was grammar interpretation, theyre not relatable, you literally have no clue on how learning a language works
hmm is that so?
having an intelligible accent is half the struggle. no matter how many words a g*Rm*N knows he always sounds unintelligent and simple because he refuses to learn how to get rid of the accent.
It's only apply if I go to a English speaking country
I can make this face too
I mean if you actually hear and speak to people.
only by youtube it will be hard.
My mother didn't know what the word "blanket" is, so the guy pointied on it and then she learned, you can do it in youtube but it will be more difficult.
I know that if I will be in the USA for half year and speak english with people all my retarded grammer mistakes will be gone or less severe.
That is how i learnt english. There are several words i know in english but i dont really know the swedish equivalent and vice versa.
this man is absolutely right, i never ever read a translation and instead just watched burgertoons until i was fluent. now i speak perfect native passing english which is super beneficial to me.
the issue is you lose out on the nuissances of the word. in english, if you want to communicate that you agree with what the speaker is saying your supposed to say "mhm" with a very specific pitch pattern. This is one of the most core tennants of the language and anyone learning by emulation can pick up on this within the first 3 days of emulating.
However, no foreigners I know. Other than other anglos do the mhm thing, and it just feels like im talking to a cold robot.
I know this because im learning Korean right now, but just trying to learn like a child. I already picked up on the korean word "dae" which is the equivalent of mhm except it's supposed to be said in a more goofy sarcastic way.
Funny enough though is that dae translates to yes in korean. So in korean yes and mhm means the same thing, but in english they are two seperate words. Missing out on this will always make an nonnative sound flat and boring. And maybe even a little insulting.
I don't think I'll ever learn English well
>However, no foreigners I know, other than the anglo world, do the mhm thing, and it just feels like im talking to a cold robot.
>Stop learning English
You could have stopped here
Sorry, keep learning English, just learn it the correct way.
I also make other sounds to improve my English skills like, ah-ha and vroom vroom when I'm driving in English and let's not forget coughing in acceptance. Cheers.
how would you know you monolingual cuck
I learned Russian and English simultaneously then stopped russian at 10, now i can't speak russian other than simple stuff, but i can understand very well. I couldn't tell you if russian is S-O-V or S-V-O, i couldn't tell you how to conjugate or when to use what. How to order adjectives or anything. I just know what sounds right.
Then "learned" spanish in high school for 3 years and still can't understand any native spanish speaker and can't speak from instinct. But i can tell you how to conjugate and draw charts and what words translate to in english if i saw them written down.
I am now learning Korean without any textbook, teacher, translator, nothing. Just watching Korean twitch streams and repeating everything they are saying. Which I have no clue. I'm just repeating what they are saying, you start to notice patterns. And these patterns develop into instinctual language knowledge. The reason i'm learning Korean, is 1. i want to go their to fuck, but 2. I can't read korean, so this way I bar myself from learning by translation.
>I learned Russian and English
since birth.
>coughing in acceptance
what? lol