Have an HVAC problem in my house

>have an HVAC problem in my house
>call a Portuguese contractor
>he shows up, has a look, and says it will take 4 hours for him to fix it and he'll charge $400
>call a Chinese contractor
>he says he'll need 2 hours and quotes $150
>tell him to fix it
>he does the job in 45 minutes flat
some cultures are just indisputably superior to others

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Until you realize the chinese guy """""fixed""""" it with chewing gum and scotch tape and your house burns down from a short circuit he caused by ignoring all standard safety measures

>>he does the job in 45 minutes flat
He cut major corners. This is how Chinese do it and it is why literally everything in China is falling apart.

He didn't fix anything lmao


>canadian flag shilling for chinks
not suspicious at all

The portuguese contractor provides additional service to your wife

never trust anyone who speaks brazilian

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Portuguese contractors/tradesmen have a bad reputation as lazy sleeve bags in canada

Better take a look at this list before hiring someone

Attached: workefficiencybyrace.jpg (2048x2010, 493K)

Chinese to all there own plumbing and electrical work in australia without proper qualifications. I had to do some work on an apartment after someone brought it from a chinaman and it was absolutely fucked

quality takes time fag
enjoy watching you air conditioning breaking down in two weeks

What is that from and why were we relevant enough to be included?

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>portuguese anything

Attached: 1512151449197.jpg (645x588, 57K)

How did you call a Portuguese contractor. Don't you live in Canada?

Lmao that chinaman ripped you off.

>opinions from the least relevant of the irrelevant place that is the Balt

But you ARE included. Look again, and pay attention this time.

orthogonal at best and whataboutism in either case

read my post again, but carefully.

stupid favela monkey

Shut up bitch faggot I will rape you

1. Your height
2. Your weight
3. Your bf%

Let's decide who's gonna be doing the raping here first.

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why didn't you call a canadian contractor

I'm blacker than you so I have rape rights

Alberto Barbosa >>> Lo-Wang

We rape you, Latvia.
You Brazil has the right to bully Portugal.

Attached: MC Gorila.jpg (500x500, 46K)

t manlets

I rape you both and your sisters too

Came here to post this

Are you sure about this?

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