I can't stop fapping
I can't stop fapping
me too as age grow my lust is just getting stronger and stronger
basically its like a genetic code to make me find a mating partner and i can do nothing about it
well at least i can fap to calm the urge otherwise im sure ill lower my self to a woman just to get that pussy
let her take advantage from me
I'll pray for you tonight brother. You can take back the control over your life and give up on sin
I can help you upgrade
I rarely go more than once a day and have never done more than 3 I'm pretty sure. Am I low test or something? Maybe growing up without a lot of privacy just got me started on the habit of doing it less frequently. I still think it feels better when I hold off too.
Low test.
I also blame you for mutilating my penis without my consent.
Your foreskin could be in the skin creams celebrities put on their face, aren't you happy?
You're depressed because of your lack of foreskin while Jews sell it for cash and then make more money off ad revenue the consumers of those products give us!
I can't stop having suicidal thoughts
I can also help you upgrade
I managed to pass from +5 times a day to a max of 3 (very rare) and average of 1 with many zero days.
I've been working on it since new year and so far I'm happy with my progress.
Ask me anything.
It's okay, you get used to it eventually
I can't stop drinking.
>tfw my record for days without fapping is 4
I did a whole month, it's not worth
play vidya instead lol
find something else to occupy yourself with
I've been keeping to a schedule of once every four days, I tried going five a few weeks ago and I almost died in the process on the fifth night.
I am doing no fap but I need the souce of your pic
holy shit what a wanker
how can you even do that
Same, I'm basically addicted to masturbation and I've started developing fetishes because of it.
Same here, I have actual issues with sex addiction (masturbation addiction, not trying to kid anyone) in that I have a legitimately hard time in normal situations and am obsessed with sex or sex related things. I'm over thirty and it's still an issue and I can masturbate all day left to my own devices. It really affected a lot in my life but I can't afford treatment.
"Luckily" I also have other mental health issues so for various reasons I don't go out looking for sex or something even worse would have happened to me by now.
I didn't count sex though. That would be like 8-9 times a day if I happend to be with my gf.
stop masturbating
>tfw not fapping because anticipating a hookup pretty soon with a 20yo jock guy
is it low test or high test to have the need to fap?