Does your country fetishize the lower classes and have "working class heroes"?
Does your country fetishize the lower classes and have "working class heroes"?
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There was a song made by some miner’s song which gets sung at protesters here. I’m pretty sure it was made during the local “Coal Wars”
Identifying by your social class isn't really a big thing here. Love Oasis though
Yeah, it's really irritating and stupid, and the worst part is that the dumb white trash actually fall for it. I'm hoping this is just an anglo thing.
Not really, working class is mostly either despised or pitied.
only white hipsters like to pretend they're badass for "slumming" it in ghetto neighborhoods but otherwise no
No. We have "jantelagen", basically it means "you ain't better than anyone else and you better fucking know it, you little shit"
This goes for all classes.
You must be very sheltered.
we used to be prettymuch classless as a society
an actual lower upper class divide is only just emerging(thanks merkel)
and the upper class despises the lower because it is usually more right leaning politically
You must be very white.