sues phat batty edition
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fuck off we're full
batty boi
i really want to sniff her arsehole
going to go on the computer now
About to go pisso mode
love california
stop talking like niggers. last warning.
short niggaz do crime
I want to smell Emma Watson’s stinky farts.
literally a species of swamp troll
that's a good idea
it'll give you a good opportunity to see the tens of thousands of homeless people in san fran, portland, and seattle as a result of far-left economic policy
God i hate (((((myself)))))
i find you can throw any old shit bananas in though. i never eat bananas before they go brown because i don't really like them, and it's always good to make them into bread when they do because it's easier to eat them
Doing a sad 2bh lads
grim how everyones a fatty these days
good lad
report kshitters for spamming and rule violations lads
girls are supposed to be fat
really dont understand why lefties love muslims and blacks so much despite them being very right-wing and ultra-bigoted towards women and benders.
god I'm so lonely
no they aren't
manlets irrevocably btfo
She wants a man from _______
those aren't real lefties
those are just useful idiots who just spout whatever opinions they are told to spout
>maxresdefault (6).jpg
Why do they like nonwhites in general? They aren't progressive on any issues except for wanting a bigger welfare state
The main reasons they like them is a utopian dream and also a hatred of their own people
Imagine getting arrested because you saw a meme on the internet and thought it was true.
Wishing i was lucky lads
ummmm ahaha yes they are
Trump cares more about pandering to spics and niggers that would never in a million years vote for him more than fulfilling his campaign promises
ladies and gentlemen... olivia newton john
don't even feel like pointing out the obvious double standard here
fuck wamen
mad how politics has changed in a short time.
my blairite dad is unironically a prepper
look at her
women are not supposed to be fat you thick bastard. They're supposed to have fat reserves but they aren't supposed to have a big pudgy belly like the pig you posted
Olivia Newton John put out some bangers
Suits me 2bh.
yeah whatever low t loser
Rorke seething at this very post
>those aren't real lefties
go away you cretin
time to commit pooicide lads
why do moderate centrists want to genocide all non-whites and gays and puppies?
sick to bloody death of getting breaking news notifications on my phone when some chav gets stabbed in london or manchester or somehwere
would i get a notification if it was in newcastle or something? dont think so
this year for Lent I'm giving up hope that things will get better
Never made it as a wise man
>american conservative movement
Grim Grim Grim
the gf for tonight
call it writer's fuel
i'm a published author you know
alcohol tastes like fire
it burns good
what is it?
only drink biritsh alcohol like carling
good rum
Watching goodfellas while drinking a few pints of the black stuff
why is the dome of the rock in the hands of secularist jews???
publishing my work on Jow Forums's /brit/ general
hope i dont wake up feeling like shite tomorrow
you like it out of a can?
Boomer conservatives only hate Islam because it threatens Jews
>bro 50s california was sooo cool i like saw it in a film dude
hope i dont wake up
dont like how not liking Islam makes me a racist for some reason. fuck everyone who perpetuates the idea that criticising an ideology makes me a bigot. literally encouraging cultural suicide, the fuck the lot of them
Me too. And horny as well.
Sir David Beckham is getting a statue in LA lads
that was good mate cheers
could listen to that for hours
if you were white and middle class or above it was obviously great
The American conservative movement:
Two fat lipped 80 IQ negroes shouting "MHMM TELL EM" and repeating empty platitudes
It's alright. You can't beat it fresh from the tap though
mental how there's a large group of people that think that criticising islam is racist and a large group of people that think criticising israel is anti-semitic, and there's literally no overlap between the groups
>likes thick brow'd women who look high
bruh youre a pseudo-homo
just wait till islam takes more of a footing in ameria. you literally have no idea mate. you think hispanics or nogs are bad? just wait till you get a load of muzzies
i want to have
Would replace every spic with a Muslim in a heartbeat
why yes i'm a poster on the the international forum /brit/ AND WHY YES i shag
Any Deano man in?
there are more muslims in america than in the uk
pissed and loving this
>no benis
big mistake. trust me.
not in the same density or origin.
>Would replace every spic with a Muslim in a heartbeat
hate yanks
hate goat fuckers
hate slants
hate wogs