>your wake up in the Thai military
What do?
>your wake up in the Thai military
What do?
do a huge fucking sniff
its like boys scouts and bible camp all over again.
So hairless, it's a reminder why Asian's make significantly better traps than whites or blacks.
Imagine the smell
imagine getting a boner during this
imagine chainfarts
Ponder the stench
Any kinos with that aesthetic? Asking for a pren
God I wish that were me
I don't think the MPAA would allow anything like this lol
wonder why the Russian military is suddenly all chink
>tfw I'm a Thai citizen
>when I finish school I have to join the military by law
>im literally afraid of getting raped. My mom warned me how common it is for new recruits to be raped
i dont want to go back lads
Why do this in the pic
what purpose would this serve
cant you get a job in the US and get a green card
Would be warm and soft and comfy though. Just orient your nose away from their asshole and you're all good.
Start to dilatate your asshole with some dildos. This way you are not going to suffer much
>Thai ladyboys converged on army recruitment centres yesterday proudly showing off their certificates exempting them from national service.
>The annual event requires all men over the age of 21 to report to their local barracks to be assessed for a stint of up to two years in the Thai military.
>But transgender people can be excused if they show a doctor's certificate proving they are what is known locally as a 'type 2' woman.
Only one thing to do...
Have you ever smelled yourself? Its going to trek regardless
Also what do they do to you if you pop a boner by accident
Wait a second...is THAT why there are so many ladyboys there?
>in the US and get a green card
>The US
We're full.
He should go to Canada instead.
What would you do if you were a blue balled thai conscript and you see this in the bed next to you at the barracks during night?
thailand: trans people fight so they need not serve in the military
the west: trans people fight so they get to serve in the military
all that crap and i still cant get a cute trap gf
so thats why so many rapes happen
>He should go to Canada instead
But we are all coming to the US. Job market sucks here
>Job market sucks here
It might have something to do with people immigrating from their home countries because the job markets suck due the recent influx of immigrants into their own countries.
For some reason.
What is going on here. Why are they doing that?
is that why theres so many rapes? ive heard about guys trying all sorts of stuff to get out of the service. growing up one of my friends was from thailand. his family was in the process of getting their papers though. he told me he never wanted to go back lol.
It'd be very embarrassing to get hard though
Tell him to stop watching me jack off to my hentai.
kek you can see they're trying to keep their noses away from the other guys' assholes
I mean maybe warm, but this is the military. There is a high chance that they haven't bathed for days along with constant physically straining activities, I'm kinda surprised none of them seem passed out in that image.
>Implying that wasn't part of the plan