Pokemon Brit Bong edition
fuck you
>instead of solving murders
the so called 'banger'
Top = soul
Bottom = soulless
would honestly rattle that fat fucking whore's skull with my elbow if she came up to me like that
Me? Crisp sandwich
*rips bong*
which starter are you choosing?
i dont mind left leaning comedians, entertainers
and political pundits in the guise of anchormen
but what disgusts me are scientists or experts
who mislead you to their ideologies.
see degrasse, nye or even the science community in youtube (greens, minutecuck, kurzegesagt, cgpgrey)
I fucking hate liars
speechless desu
kurzegesagt isn't science
What misleading ideology you referring to lad?
Science has a left wing bias
my sex junk so much more than either oh oh or
that's just PMQs mate it's not usually like that
Old guy turning him down and reaction is pure distilled cringe. Feel sorry for him (the old guy), just wanted a day out with the wife.
>unironically playing pokemon
literal manchild behavior
kill yourself
>solving murders
they're plods, not inspector gadget
Where in the UK does this happen? I toured around between York and Leeds last year and could not imagine any of the people I met being fags.
i didn't have the courage to say i love her
it does when you ignore everything that contradicts that.
>100+ unsolved murders in london but don't worry i'm sure the police are doing all they ca-
Good old song
>Where in the UK does this happen?
Everywhere, that's the problem
literally just london
>it's old so it's good
just fuck off you old cunt
ngl the lezzers (second and last clips) have decent rhythm and are quite hot together
they're gay dancers apparently
Fine, replace 'solving murders' with 'doing police work'
mate that's probably a man
great time to be a criminal in the uk,
but then again, the history of law enforcement
in this shithole is appalling
those hips don't lie
You're not lacking courage. You're just being held back by your higher intelligence which is warning you not to go ahead. It's a good sign friend.
and brighton probably
i finally found what the girl i like at work finds funny and interesting
i would usually try observational humor with her or try to joke about outlandish situations, overall she isn't too interested in that type of humor
her favorite types of jokes the ones that are about her. so in my social retardation ive finally found out about 20 years after everyone else did that girls are really only interested in themselves and not too concerned with the outside world. now ive married my typical sense of humor into what she likes and shes enjoying my jokes a lot more.
have spermed 32 times to this
did not know Alfred was a tolerant fellow
i(male) am one of the men boogster made out with
could easily be a man's hips mate
>i dont mind left leaning comedians, entertainers
>and political pundits in the guise of anchormen
>but what disgusts me are scientists or experts
>who mislead you to their ideologies.
stop formatting your posts like this
>defending new pokemon games
kill yourself faggot
Brighton, Manchester, London, Bristol...
hope you regret it,
the abominations of mankind are always heaps of self-doubt and regrets.
is this guy actually an obese neet?
bit obsessive
i suspect it's not police vs criminals but rather freemasons/satanists/elites vs the general public
love a bit of arse
>ywn be a british constable who gets twerked by a BLACK QVEEN
Why even live
ill play upon my violin
fuck you
i do
My neighbourhood has been taken over by students
Really hungry but can't go to any shop due to Sunday Trading hours. Hmmm, might have to do the old "fasting".
chilblains on my right hand again lads
fingers are like sausages
is your grandson transcribing your posts for you? wrinkly bastard
>the abominations of mankind are always heaps of self-doubt and regrets.
why do you have this image on your computer
you're fucking weird
pic related
>look i type like a spack look how quirky i am
>converted by 25 grand savings into US dollars
>stock pilling tinned food
>splurged on luxury items like a new clothes, fragrance and vidya
Who /brexitready/ here?
wanting to get myself a cute british girlfriend, not knowing where. am thinking the only nonshitlib girls are located in northumbria and the scottish lowlands outside cities?
England is a fucking ZOO
An approximation of a nation
*advances towards you*
Gem V is trash
This is essentially my goal gf
i stand somewhat corrected.
but a broken sculpture is more pitiful
than a pile of shit
holy fuck it's so fucking windy tonight
the weather needs to get a fucking grip
sometimes i wish i was this fat so i could dress like that ironically and go out and pretend to be an animeatheist expousing my ironic yellow fever to everyone who will listen
It bothered me how he didn't just cut it to finishing the knot he was tying but instead had him fiddling around with it. Shit webm
must be a bit difficult for you to buy le new epic bokemon game xD when you never leave your house you fat waste
violin OWNS ben shaprio with FACTS and LOGIC
on my
only have a grand,
and nodeal will rebound the economy in the long run.
at least wind blows the fog away amirite
yeah but you're 130cm tall lole
dont understand this post
watching twelve monkeys
russian boomer music
umm actually youre at the bottom of that pyramid since you resorted to name calling and bad language
12 minutes until livepd lads
gonna get right stoned and tuck myself in
im sleep
sucking a NIGGER